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The Integration of Physical Education and Multicultural Education
作者 許梓宜
教育工作者的責任之一是在於培養學子成為未來積極的公民,多元文化教育被視為兼負著為年輕學子和來自不同的文化、社會背景的人,建立起溝通的橋樑為目標,而於多元文化的社會中,將多元文化的內容融入一般學科中的整合教學,則被冀予為完成預期的教育目標。自1990年初至今,臺灣經歷了一波波教育改革,以期課程、教學內容更能反映社會多元的價值觀。然而,在體育的改革中,針對將文化的內容整合入課程中的議題來探討,則未受到廣大重視,同時,執教者在包括臺灣在內的許多國家,均對如何將多元文化的內容整合入一般的課程教學中的存疑。因此,本研究由多元文化教育的角度,探討體育的課程內容,以期對師資培訓中的學生和在職任教的老師有所助益。One of the responsibilities of educators is to prepare youngsters to be active citizens in their communities. It is assumed that multicultural education may serve to bridge pupils' understandings of one culture toward other people from different cultural and social backgrounds. The fusion of multicultural education in different subject areas is regarded as a desirable way to achieve the designated educational goals in a pluralistic society. In the early 1990s, Taiwan has undergone a wave of educational reform in order to meet such societal values; however, little attention was paid to the field of physical education as it related to the educators in different countries, including Taiwan, making it problematic to integrate the content of different cultures into their teaching. Thus, a study addressing physical education in light of multicultural education may prove beneficial to pre/in-service teachers.
起訖頁 161-174
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 大專優秀網球選手訓練滿意度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 網球迷之閱聽動機與傳播行為對職業網球球員形象關係研究




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