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A Comparative Study on The Patterns of Government Involvement in Sport
作者 劉照金鄭志富 (Chih-fu Cheng)
本研究目的在比較各國政府涉入運動事務之動機、涉入模式及分工型態。本研究採文獻分析方法,以運動政治學及比較體育之觀點,從國家研究途徑,以澳洲、加拿大、英國、美國、愛爾蘭等國之體育行政組織之變遷過程為分析對象。本研究之結論如下:一、各國政府涉入運動的動機常因時代而變遷,現今各國政府涉入運動有日趨穩定成長之趨勢;二、各國政府體育行政分工或組織設置,與各國政府涉入運動之動機有密切關係;三、各國政府涉入運動的運作模式,與各國政治制度、社會、文化與政黨關注有密切關係,其中可歸納為五種不同的涉入模式;四、各國政府對體育的關注焦點,通常會充分反映政府的權責分工與政策變遷。經由本研究之分析,對於我國體育行政組織改造、未來研究方向提出建議。The purpose of this study was to compare the motivations, patterns and responsibilities of various nations' government involvement in sport and recreation affairs. This study utilized literature analysis to compare the changing process of sport and recreation administrative organization reconstruction of Australia, Canada, Britain, America, and Ireland by state approach of politics of sport and comparative analysis. The finding were as follows: (1) Motivation of each nation's government involvement in sport and recreation changed frequently, but the trend is stably grown; (2) sport and recreation administrative responsibility or organization setting of each nation is tied up with its involvement in sport; (3) each nation's operating pattern is tied up with its politics system, culture, and parties, and it can be concluded to five involvement patterns; (4) the focus of every nation's sport and recreation often reflects its responsibility and policy transition. The study could be referred to our country on the sport and recreation administrative organization reconstruction and relevant further research.
起訖頁 135-147
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 教練領導行為與選手內在動機之相關研究
該期刊-下一篇 大專優秀網球選手訓練滿意度之研究




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