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The Relationship of Coach's Leadership Behaviors to Intrinsic Motivation of Athletes
作者 李炯煌
這次研究目的有二,(一)探討由同一受試者同時提供偏好領導行為、知覺領導行為、與領導行為的差異等三組資料時,領導行為的差異是否能像偏好領導行為、知覺領導行為對效標變項(選手的內在動機)解釋相等的變異量;(二)瞭解高中手球教練之領導行為與選手內在動機間的關係。研究對象為162名來自國內13所高中手球校隊選手(男選手=96名;女選手=66名),平均年齡為16.80歲(SD=0.73歲),完成填寫四種研究量表,經由多元迴歸分析,結果顯示高中男女手球選手的知覺領導行為對選手內在動機之總解釋變異量都高於偏好領導行為與領導行為的差異;知覺領導行為與選手內在動機間的關係具有性別差異,高中男子手球選手的知覺訓練與指導與知覺獎勵行為均能顯著預測選手的內在動機,相較於高中女子手球選手則只有知覺民主行為能顯著預測選手的內在動機。This study explored (a)whether the discrepancy score may explain as much variance of criterion variable (intrinsic motivation of athlete) as one of the two components used to derive that score, especially when those components are provided by a single subject as in the present case, and(b)the relationships between coach's leadership and intrinsic motivation of athlete in high school handball players . Subjects, 162 handball players (male=96; female=66) from 13 high school teams, were requested to complete the four instruments. The mean age of high school handball athletes was 16.80 years (SD=0.73). Results of multiple regression analyses showed that perceived leadership was the stronger determinant of intrinsic motivation of athlete than either the preferred leadership or discrepancy score of preferred and perceived leadership in these dimensions. A sexual difference exists in the relationship between perceived leadership and intrinsic motivation of athlete. The perceived leadership styles, training and instruction, as well as positive feedback, were associated with intrinsic motivation of athlete in high school male players. On the other hand, the perceived leadership style, democratic behavior, was associated with intrinsic motivation of athlete in high school female players.
起訖頁 123-134
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 大專甲組跆拳道教練領導行為之研究
該期刊-下一篇 各國政府涉入運動模式之比較分析




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