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Study on the Leadership Behavior of College First-Division TaeKwonDo Coaches
作者 李柳汶
國內跆拳道好手,大多出自大專院校甲組,因此,本研究旨在探討大專甲組跆拳道選手知覺教練領導行為之差異情形。根據本研究目的,以參加91年全國大專運動會甲組競賽之選手為研究對象,並以「大專院校跆拳道教練領導行為研究量表」為研究工具進行調查,再依調查所得之資料,以單因子變異數分析及薛費氏法等方法進行統計分析,結果發現:(一)大專甲組跆拳道選手所知覺的教練領導行為,依序為:訓練與指導、獎勵行為、民主行為、關懷行為及專制行為。(二)大專甲組跆拳道選手其知覺的教練領導行為,不同性別在「專制行為」及「獎勵行為」等向度有顯著差異;不同練習頻率在「關懷行為」這個向度有顯著差異。The internal TaeKwonDo experts mostly come from the college first-division. Therefore, this research aims to discuss the college fist-division athletes' awareness of different leadership behavior in the couches. According to this purpose, the research covers a sample of the first-division participants in the 2002 China Taipei University Sports, and the survey is engaged by using 'College TaeKwonDo Couch Leadership Behavior Scale.' Then the data got from the survey is analyzed by means of ANOVA, scheffe's method, and so on. The results show that 1. Leadership behavior of the couches that has been recognized by these college athletes includes training and instruction, positive feedback, democratic behavior, social support, and autocratic behavior. 2. Among the leadership behavior of the coaches that has been recognized by these college athletes, different genders show obvious divergence on autocratic behavior and positive feedback; different practice frequency shows obvious divergence on social support.
起訖頁 113-121
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 高中籃球教練壓力來源及其解決之道之質性研究
該期刊-下一篇 教練領導行為與選手內在動機之相關研究




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