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A Qualitative Research On High School Basketball Coach Stress Source and Its Solution
作者 徐武雄
本研究以歷來高中籃球聯賽,進入決賽前八名次數最多的學校之四位教練為對象,做跨個案分析訪談的質性研究,以標準化開放式訪談登錄資料,利用三角校正求證國家青年隊、國中、國小籃球教練等觀點,得到以下結論:我國高中籃球教練壓力與來源,和解決之道為:一、球員來源不佳:此來源是學校福利條件、升學主義、教練素養、校長態度、保送制度等;解決這些壓力來源,教練應更投入、球員努力參與訓練以求大專院校獨立招收體保生出路,甚積極越級參加甲級聯賽;並需說服家長,也在課後加強其子女學業輔導,讓球員擁有更寬廣的升學之路;政府與學校應多給教練福利,以改善教練態度,進而提升教練素養;學校應變通住宿租賃以彌補宿舍缺乏之困。改善校長保守態度、修改教育部保送升學辦法等,並非解決之道。二、學校主管:此壓力來源來自球隊管理不當;解決此壓力來源應訂完善球隊管理辦法、教練檢討球隊管理方式,做好球隊計劃和主管溝通,切莫獨斷獨行。三、球員訓練態度:此來自球員不能全心投入訓練所致;解決此壓力來源應朝球隊制度化,訂招收球員辦法、球隊管理辦法,或向國中教練或老師、球員說清楚,若準備進入半職業隊,應該有所體認參與目標,訓練上不能配合者應馬上淘汰。The purpose of this study was to understand the way basketball coach face on and off court pressure with data form four coaches whose teams with highest frequency have entered the quarter final in high school basketball tournament. The study method of the research applies cross-case analysis and standardized open-ended interview, and also triangulation correction method interview with the coaches of National Youth Basketball Team, from junior high school teams, and from elementary school teams. The stress which coaches face on and off court can be classified into several categories on sources, and the solution the research suggests are respectively provided as follows. 1. The difficulty of recruiting talented players:with factors including players' benefits, advanced-study education concepts, coaches' skill, school principal's attitude toward basketball team, and player recruitment system, which with radical changes may not be the best way. There shall be included coach's more involvement and teammate's activeness in training to struggle for athlete student quota in college, or better performance in A-class United games. Parents need to be persuaded for players after-school lesson assistances to provide more studying choices, governments and schools shall consider better welfare system to shift coach's attitudes toward training quality, and schools have to be flexible on housing rental policy for issue on dormitory inefficient providence. 2. Lack of support from school administration:with factors including incomplete team management, and poor communication with school administration. The ways to solve it may be better-designed training and management program, improving communication between team coaches and school administrators, and supports from outside groups. 3. The difficulties of training players:some players have difficulties on fully participation in basketball training. The ways targeting on this problem will be team systemization, includeing improving player recruitment and administration system, and setting clear lines for coaches, teachers, and players, such as those who have their goals as semi-professional players, but are unable to fully correspond to be training programs will be expelled from the team.
起訖頁 101-112
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 體操男子跳馬第Ⅲ競賽成績及動作頻率分析
該期刊-下一篇 大專甲組跆拳道教練領導行為之研究




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