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The Analysis of Scoring and Movement Frequency on Men's Gymnastics Vault Finals
作者 史瑞臨王宗吉
競技體操規則隨著奧運每四年修改一次。而每次修改必然會對從事體操訓練工作的教練選手在訓練方面有所調整。因此,如何針對規則修訂部分,做通盤的瞭解;並研擬出最佳訓練策略,進而在國際大賽取得佳績,是目前重要研究的課題之一。根據俞智贏(1998)的研究指出,選手如欲取得高分,必須(一)提高起評分;(二)減少實施扣分。張涵勁(2000)的研究也提到,掌握雙10分起評動作是優秀運動員奪冠的明顯趨向。由此可見,跳馬動作起評分與實施扣分,將是影響成績的重要關鍵因素。本研究目的主要在於分析2001年世界盃與全國運動會體操男子跳馬第Ⅲ競賽成績及動作使用頻率。以參加2001年世界盃與全國運動會體操男子跳馬第Ⅲ競賽之前八名選手為研究對象。利用獨立樣本t考驗來檢定2001年世界盃體操錦標賽與全國運動會選手之間成績的差異及以影片觀察法紀錄其動作使用頻率。所得到的結果如下:(一)2001年世界盃體操賽選手在起評分、實施扣分、最後得分方面皆優於全運會選手(P<.05)。(二)世界盃所有選手跳馬之起評分都在9.6分以上(共有16人次);而全運會選手跳馬之起評分在9.6分以上共有8人次,在9.6分以下共有8人次。(三)2001年世界盃與全運會在跳馬第Ⅲ競賽的起評分動作選擇方面,以ROCHE跳(前手前空翻兩周)為最多,共出現10個人次。仍是主流。The Code of Points for Artistic Gymnastics is modified every four years prior to the Olympic games. Based on these modifications, athletes and coaches make the appropriate adjustments in their training so as to achieve optimal performance in international competitions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the scoring and movement frequency of Men's Gymnastics Vault Finals of the 2001 World Championships and the 2001 National Game of Taiwan. Subjects of this study were the top eight athletes of these two competitions. An independent t-test was used to compare the scoring differences between the World Championships and the National Game athletes. The video observation method was also adopted to record the frequency of their movements. The result of this study were as follows: 1. The top eight athletes of the World Championships achieved better performances in starting value, presentation deduction, and final score. (P< .05) 2. Of the sixteen trials completed by both sets of top eight athletes, all trials from the World Championships received a starting value of above 9.6, whereas only eight from the National Game scored above 9.6. 3. In both competitions, the most popular movement for starting value, used in ten of the trials, was the Roche Vault (a handspring forward followed by a double salto forward tuck).
起訖頁 93-100
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣地區男子網球單打技術及勝負因素之研究
該期刊-下一篇 高中籃球教練壓力來源及其解決之道之質性研究




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