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The Success and Failure Factors Study of Men's Singles Tennis Skills in Taiwan Area
作者 江中皓
本研究以全國九十年度男子網球單打排名賽四項賽事共六十場次賽程記錄,合計勝負120筆記錄資料,經由研製之記錄表的資料取得後,運用統計之因素分析、多元逐步迴歸分析與t考驗來探討國內男子選手競賽之相關表現,研究結果顯示:一、研製之記錄表能有效統計出整場之攻守技術,並能傳遞己方與對方的競賽策略運用與融合競賽記錄表的功能以達到現場收錄效能的分析。二、從競賽攻守技術因素分析中,我國男子網球選手的四種攻守型態可區分為:1、攻守穩定型;2、積極進攻型:3、底線攻守型:4、熟練穩定型四種。三、影響競賽外在因素:不同場地中為,勝率、正反手著地球、正反手截擊球、高壓殺球等四項技術差異達顯著水準(P<.05)。不同溫差為,較高溫的競賽中選手在正反手著地球差異達顯著水準;在溫度較低的競賽裡,勝率、正反手截擊球、與高壓殺球差異有顯著水準表現。四、預測我國男子選手未來競賽攻守技術變項為:正、反手接發球;正、反手著地球;正、反手截擊球;雙發失誤;正、反手切球;第一發球等六項。This study was to explore the contests by 2001 Tennis Men's Singles in Taiwan. There were 4-item competition, 60-count records and 120 win-lose data in this study. The statistical factor anaylsis, the regression anaylsis and the t-test methods were used to analyze the data. 1. To make a coding sheet which can effectively calculate the offense-defense skills, and deliver the stratagems and uses of the contest between the players in each game, and match the function of the contest record to reach the live effect. 2. From the analysis of the offense-defense skills, four types of tennis men-players are: (1) offense-defense stability type (2) positive offense type (3) underline offense-defense type (4) practice stability type 3. There are significant differences in the outer factors of the games (p<0.5): win-lose ratio, fore-backhand ground strokes, fore-backhand volley, and smash. In high temperature, there were significant different different in fore- backhand ground strokes. In low temperature, there were significant different in win-lose ratio, fore-backhand volley and smash. 4. Predict Tennis men-players' offense-defense skills in future: fore-backhand receive service, fore-backhand ground strokes, fore-backhand volley, double faults, fore-backhand slice, and first service.
起訖頁 79-92
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 青少年體能商之發展的調查研究
該期刊-下一篇 體操男子跳馬第Ⅲ競賽成績及動作頻率分析




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