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Comparison of Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Strengthening Activity among Women of Different Physical Activity Levels
作者 王秀華
本研究旨在調查嘉義地區年齡介於40~60歲婦女於閒暇時從事不同身體活動程度組群中在最近四週內從事休閒活動之狀況,以及探討於不同身體活動程度組群中參與肌力訓練之差異比較。研究資料收集,乃透過受試者以自我報告方式填寫閒暇時身體活動程度問卷調查,將身體活動程度分為久坐式者、適度活動者及激烈活動者三組。資料統計結果顯示,嘉義地區受試樣本62.3%的中年婦女是屬於「久坐式」的生活方式,而30.2%的中年婦女達到美國健康與人類服務處(USDHHS,1996)所建議之適度身體活動量;而達美國運動醫學會(ACSM,1998)所建議激烈強度之身體活動量組百分比為7.5%,而樣本中參與肌力訓練者為26.5%。本研究發現在不同身體活動程度之組別中,參與閒暇時身體活動與肌力訓練活動之百分比均有顯著差異;其進一步考驗結果在參與閒暇時身體活動方面為激烈活動組(88.9%)顯著多於適度活動組(70.4%)和久坐式組(41.3%);而適度活動組(70.4%)亦顯著多於久坐式組(41.3%),而利用閒暇時參與肌力訓練活動之百分比差異比較;其進一步考驗結果激烈活動組(74.1%)顯著多於適度活動組(25.9%)和久坐式組(21.1%)。The purpose of this study was to determine the self-reported physical activity levels of women aged between 40~60 years old who resided in Chia-Yi. This research utilized a cross-sectional design to investigate the percentage of women who currently; (1) met the U.S. Surgeon General's guidelines for moderate physical activity (USDHHS, 1996); (2) met the ACSM guidelines for vigorous physical activity (ACSM,1998); (3) participated in recent leisure-time physical activity; and/or (4) participated in strengthening activities. In addition, differences of recent leisure-time physical activity participation rate and strengthening activity participation rate were explored among 3 groups of women engaging in different levels of physical activity. The results of this study revealed that 62.3% of the women reported as sedentary in terms of their physical activity levels, 30.2 % of them met the U.S. Surgeon General's guidelines of moderate physical activity, and 7.5% of them exceeded this recommendation and met the ACSM guidelines for vigorous physical activity. A total of 26.5% reported participation in strengthening activities. Significant differences of reported participation in strengthening activities were found among women of three different physical activity levels.
起訖頁 27-39
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 近十年美國職業高爾夫球選手成績表現差異分析
該期刊-下一篇 國際標準舞舞者體適能之研究




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