中文摘要 |
本研究旨在分析近十年美國職業高爾夫巡迴賽(PGA Tour)選手成績表現差異情形,冀望研究結果能供國內高爾夫球選手,擬定訓練計畫及比賽策略運用之參考。研究樣本係以西元2001、1995、1990年美國職業高爾夫巡迴賽,年終排名前100名男選手為分析對象,研究中將各年份選手分成三組,分別為1.2001年(N=99)、2.1995年(N=99)、3.1990年(N=100)。選手全年比賽成績表現計有12項因子,各因子經單因子變異數比較各組間差異情形,若F值達顯著水準(P<0.05),則以杜凱氏進行組間事後比較。結果發現2001年選手(2001年)成績表現明顯優於各組選手,並達顯著差異水準,其中包含:1、開球距離增加、2、每回合平均推桿數減少、3、每洞平均推桿數減少、4、立即回補能力加強、5、每18洞博蒂次數增加、6、四桿洞博蒂機率上揚、7、五桿洞博蒂機率屢創新高等。This study was designed to analyze the factors of fostering performance in the PGA Tours in the last decade. The top 100 players in 2001, 1995, and 1990 PGA Tour were subdivided into the three different groups as follows: 2001 (N = 99), 1995 (N = 99), 1990 (N = 100). The dependent factors of each player's performance in the PGA Tour included 12 factors. One-Way ANOVA and Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) were used to analyze the variation between each group. The results indicated that the significant factors were as following: 1. Increased driving distance, 2. Decrease the score of putting per round, 3. Lower the score of putting average, 4. Enhance the ability of bounce back, 5. Increase the times of birdie per round, 6. Higher the birdie rate in par 4 hole, and 7. Increased the percentage of birdie in par 5 hole. |