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A Study on Physical Fitness of Ballroom Dancers
作者 林主忠
本研究之目的在比較職業摩登舞者、職業拉丁舞者和業餘舞者在反應時間、敏捷、平衡、協調、肌力、肌耐力、爆發力、柔軟度和心肺耐力方面的差異。隨機選取職業摩登舞者男女共10名為職業摩登舞組、職業拉丁舞者男女共10名為職業拉丁舞組、業餘舞者男女共20名為業餘舞組做為測驗對象,接受全身反應時間測驗(反應時間)、側併步測驗(敏捷)、睜眼單腳站立測驗(平衡)、拍打節奏測驗(協調)、背肌力測驗(肌力)、仰臥起坐測驗(肌耐力)、垂直跳測驗(爆發力)、坐姿體前彎測驗(柔軟度)和哈佛登階測驗(心肺耐力)。本研究採用單因子變異數分析方法來檢定職業摩登舞者、職業拉丁舞者和業餘舞者間,對於各項體適能能力測驗的差異性。結果顯示:除職業拉丁舞者平均年齡小於其他兩組舞者和職業組舞者身高較業餘舞者高,差異達顯著水準外,其他在反應時間、敏捷、平衡、協調、肌力、爆發力、柔軟度及心肺耐力方面三組間皆無顯著性的差異。肌耐力方面,職業拉丁男舞者明顯優於其他兩組,差異達顯著水準,但在男女舞者合併分析中,三組間則無顯著性差異。本研究中之職業舞者與業餘舞者的多項體適能之間,沒有存在顯著性的差異,是否與一直以來只重視技術的反覆練習,忽視體適能的訓練方式有關,值得職業舞者深思與改進。The main purpose of this study was to compare the differences of reaction time, agility, balance, coordination, muscular strength, muscular endurance, power, flexibility and cardiorespiratory endurance among professional standard dancers, professional Latin-American dancers and amateur dancers. Subjects were chosen at random as follows : Ten professional standard dancers as professional standard dance group, ten professional Latin-American dancers as professional Latin-American dance group and twenty amateur dancers as amateur dance group. The total forty dancers received whole body reaction measurement (reaction time), side step test (agility), open eye single foot stand test (balance), rhythmic test fast for right hand (coordination), back strength dynamometer tests (muscular strength), 1-minute flexed leg sit-up test (muscular endurance), vertical jump (power), modified sit - and - reach test (flexibility) and Harvard step test (cardio-respiratory endurance). Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test all values of the tests. The results state that there are no significant differences of reaction time, agility, balance, coordination, muscular strength, power, flexibility and cardiorespiratory endurance among three groups except the mean age of the professional Latin-American dancers which is lower than the other two groups and the mean height of the professional dancers is taller than that of the amateur dancers, even the differences reach significant. Regarding muscular endurance, Professional Latin-American male dancers are much better than the other two groups, the difference reaches significant, but the result of the mixed analysis of male and female dancers states there is no significant difference among three groups. There are no significant differences between the physical fitness of professional dancers and that of the amateur dancers in this study, is this result relative to the nowadays invariable training method which doesn't pay much attention to the physical fitness training, but emphasizes the skill training repeatedly? It's a worth-while question for professional dancers to consider and improve.
起訖頁 41-52
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200303 (34期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 探討閒暇時身體活動和肌力訓練之調查研究
該期刊-下一篇 踝內翻外翻肌力與平衡控制的相關




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