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A study of Job Satisfaction Model on Fitness Instructor and Statisfaction Model on Fitness Club memebr
作者 黃彥翔
工作滿意度一直是企業界在人力資源方面非常重視也一直在探討的重要課題,反觀體育界卻僅少有人在這個領域中做進一步的研究。本研究以台灣某一知名連鎖健康休閒俱樂部為例,探討體適能指導員的工作滿意度對忠誠與服務品質的影響情形,並以會員對服務品質的滿意度來預測未來續約意願與口碑之間的關係。研究工具以問卷方式對該健康休閒俱樂部的體適能指導員及會員進行調查,所得資料以LISREL 8.30進行統計分析。研究結果顯示,在體適能指導員部分,工作滿意度對忠誠度及服務品質有正向顯著的影響,但忠誠度對服務品質雖有正向關係卻不顯著。在會員部分,服務品質滿意度對續約意願及口碑皆有正向且顯著的影響,而會員續約意願對口碑亦有直接且正向的影響。本研究根據實證結果對業界提出有關人力資源管理的建議。Job satisfaction has been the substantial human resources issue that often discussed and emphasized in business industry for many decades. However, this topic doesn't seem to be wildely studied in sport field. The intention of this study was to confirm the causal-linked reationships among job satisfaction, employee loyalty and service quality on fitness instructor side as well as the causal-linked relationships among member satisfaction, contract renewal intention and word-of-mouth on club member side. A questionnaire survey was conducted to fitness instructors and members at a notable chain store health and recreation club in Taiwan. The gathered data were then analysised by LISIREL 8.30. Results indicated that, on instructor portion, job satisfaction has significant and positive relation toward employee loyalty and service quality while employee loyalty has not significant and positive relation toward service quality. On member portion, member satisfaction has significant and positive relation toward satisfaction, contract renewal intention and word-of-mouth. Moreover, contract renewal intention and word-of-mouth were positively and significantly predicted by satisfaction. The suggestions associated with human resources were made based on the findings of this study for both industry and futhure researches.
起訖頁 155-164
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200209 (33期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 運動員自我認同概念與測驗初探
該期刊-下一篇 台灣職棒民眾意見現況調查研究




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