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A Measurement on Identity of Athlete
作者 何全進盧俊宏
本研究的主要目的在修訂運動員自我認同量表(Athletic Identity Measurement Scale, AIMS;Brewer,Raalte&Linder,1993)為中文版,以探索性因素分析分析其信度與效度,並且探討量表在運動員與非運動員及不同性別上的差異。本研究以台灣體育學院運動代表隊102位學生和中興大學非運動代表隊學生176位學生為對象(男=152;女=126),施以中文版運動員自我認同量表測驗。結果發現中文版運動員自我認同量表建構效度(56.23%)為原作者所接受範圍,且內部一致性為.91,所以,本研究修訂之中文版運動員自我認同量表具初步之信度與效度,可作為國內研究運動員自我認同測量工具。本研究進一步探討運動員與非運動員、不同性別在量表上之差異,結果發現運動員比非運動員得分高且有達P<.05的顯著差異水準,男生比女生得分高且有達P<.05的顯著差異水準。根據研究結果及文獻,運動員自我認同可提供國內研究者未來在(一)運動員退休的適應(二)運動員傷後反應(三)運動心理學相關研究如動機、自我效能、歸因等研究方向參考,自我概念是許多元素的結合,也是多層面的概念,運動員自我認同是否是單一向度可加以探討,總之,從運動員自我認同與運動行為情緒的影響皆是可研究的方向。The purpose of this study aims to modify Athletic Identity Measurement Scale into Chinese version, and by means of exploratory factor analysis to analyze the reliability and validity of the version and then apply the scale to measure the gender differences between athletes and non- athletes . The measured subjects include both 102 athletes of National Taiwan College of Physical Education and 176 non- athletes of National Chung Hsing University - male is 152 and female126. After the application the result of the measurement whose construct validity reaches 56.23% is within the orginal writer's testing validity,and the consistence of this version is as high as.91.Therefore ,this modified version used to measure the further used to measure the reliability and validity of athletic identity is trustworthy and could be further use as a measurement to testify the identity of athletes in Taiwan. In addition to this measurement , this study explores the gender difference between athletes and non-athletes .We result shows that the measured athletes score higher grades than the non-athletes ,and the difference reaches p<.05;also,the male athletes score higher grades than the female ones, and the difference reaches p<.05. According to this study and other related reference , Athletic Identity Measurement Scale could adapted by Taiwan researches to study(1)the adaptability of the retired athletes(2)the reaction of the wounded athletes(3)sports psychology and its related concerns such as motivation , self efficacy , attribution etc. In short, the identity of athletes and the influences from their behavior and mood are worthy of being explored and researched.
起訖頁 147-154
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200209 (33期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 使用重棒後對正常棒揮擊速度之立即性影響
該期刊-下一篇 體適能指導員工作滿意度模式與會員滿意度模式之研究




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