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The Study of Public Opinion of the Present Situation of Taiwan's Professional Baseball
作者 施致平 (施致平)
1990年,中華職棒開打,是棒壇大事紀,不僅揭開台灣職棒的新頁,更是拉開台灣體育運動由業餘進入職業的序幕。然賭博事件讓職棒蒙上陰影,台灣大聯盟的成立更擾亂了既有市場,雖中華職棒12年總冠軍賽,觀眾擠爆現場,燃起職棒新希望,但兩聯盟的競爭,也為職棒未來發展埋下隱憂。有鑑於此,本研究擬從台灣地區民眾進行民意調查,以了解民眾對職棒的關心程度、意見與未來的發展狀況。本研究以電話訪問調查為研究方法,以台灣地區15歲以上之民眾為研究對象,採隨機抽樣法進行訪查。本調查樣本數在95%的信心水準下,估計誤差為正負2.9%,共抽取受訪者1124人。本研究並採用描述性統計、百分比分析法及卡方檢定,分析受訪者對職棒現況之反應情形。本研究發現,現況中仍有31.2%的受訪者不知台灣已有職棒運動,而平時會主動關心職棒消息者佔28.2%。進一步從交叉分析與卡方檢定分析得知,在性別方面,關心職棒的民眾以男性多於女性;在年齡方面,30歲以下及40歲以上者為主要客群;在教育程度方面,以高中職教育程度者為主,而不關心職棒者以大專程度以上者居多。本研究亦發現,球賽之精彩性、對球隊與球員之認同是吸引其觀賞球賽之主因(p<.05);沒興趣、電視轉播職棒時間不妥與賭博事件是阻礙參與職棒的主因;職棒兩聯盟應合併,但不希望政府介入,若無法解決合併問題時,可解散球隊重新組合(p<.05);5-6支球隊是多數關心職棒者可接受的數量(p<.05);對職棒感到滿意(p<.05);對職棒未來發展深具信心(p<.05);此外,在宣傳方面,民眾認為職棒的宣傳不彰,應再廣為深入社會大眾(p<.05)。由結果顯示,職棒12年來苦心經營,仍有多方面值得再加強,而引發民眾對職棒之注意與關心更為首要。因此,職棒兩聯盟與政府單位應加強職棒宣傳與推廣,激發民眾對職棒的關愛之心,此外,職棒兩聯盟合併是必然之趨勢,滿足觀眾需求更是達永續經營之目的。The study aimed at understanding public opinions and concerns about this issue. future development the study adopted the telephone survey as the research method. The general public above the age of 15 were randomly selected for the study. A total of 1,124 subjects were chosen. The statistics of description, percentage, and chi-square were used to analyze the public's responses for Taiwan's professional baseball. The results indicated that 28.2% of the subjects took an active part in Taiwan's professional baseball while 31.2% did not know professional baseball has been around in Taiwan for years. 62.39% were satisfied with Taiwan's professional baseball and 58.26% had confidence in its future development. Also the educational background of those who showed an interest in Taiwan's professional baseball was mainly senior high school. In addition, the study found that attractiveness of the game, team identification, and player identification were positive factors in audience involvement in the games (p<.05). On the contrary, lack of interest, improper televising schedules, and gambling scandals were negative factors that kept the audience from participating in the games. Also the two leagues should merge but the government's interference should be avoided. If the merger problem can not be solved, a feasible solution is to dismiss the teams of the two leagues and then reconstitute them in the orientation of a total of 5-6 teams (p<.05). Moreover, it was generally agreed that the propaganda of Taiwan's professional baseball was ineffective and needed more promotion (p<.05). After 12 year's of hard work, Taiwan's professional baseball needs to reinforce their management, particularly to stimulate the public concern about and interest in it. Both the two leagues and the government should exert more efforts to conduct the professional baseball into the right way and to promote this sports activity effectively.
起訖頁 165-175
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200209 (33期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 體適能指導員工作滿意度模式與會員滿意度模式之研究
該期刊-下一篇 體育行政人員組織內部溝通之研究--以台北市立體育場為例




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