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The Construction and Examination of Structural Model: Based on Self-As–Entertainment Capacity, Leisure Participation and Leisure Satisfaction
作者 謝智謀 (Chih-Mou Hsieh)吳文銘
本研究旨在建構及驗證自我娛樂能力、休閒參與及休閒滿意三者之線性結構關係模式,以台北縣公立國小十二所的五、六年級學生為研究對象,共計433名。並以線性關係結構(LISREL)之統計分析進行模式驗證。假設模式被拒絕,並根據修正後模式,發現:一、自我娛樂能力對休閒參與有直接正面的影響。二、自我娛樂能力對休閒滿意有直接正面的影響。三、在自我娛樂能力受到介入下,休閒參與對休閒滿意有直接負面影響。本研究並根據修正模式結果提出兩個重要結論:一、自我娛樂能力、休閒參與及休閒滿意之結構模式產生抑制作用(suppression)。二、自我娛樂能力在休閒參與中具有關鍵性影響。The purpose of this study was to construct and examine the structural model, based on self-as-entertainment capacity, leisure participation, and leisure satisfaction among elementary school children. The Self-As-Entertainment Scale, Leisure Participation Scale, and Leisure Satisfaction Scale were administered to 433 fifth and sixth grade elementary school students in Taipei County. Linear Structural Relationship(LISREL)was employed to examine the hypothesized model. The hypothesized model was rejected and replaced by alternative model. The findings showed:(1) Self-as-entertainment capacity has positive effect on leisure participation. (2) Self-as-entertainment capacity has positive effect on leisure satisfaction. (3) When self-as-entertainment were involved, leisure participation has negative effect on leisure satisfaction Two conclusions were raised:1. The structural model has suppressive effect. 2. The Self-As-Entertainment capacity has significant effect on the model.
起訖頁 241-252
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200203 (32期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣報紙社論對體育運動新聞報導分析--以民國78年至89年為例
該期刊-下一篇 光復初期台北市銀行公會棒球隊發展研究(1948~1968)




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