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The study of folk sports in Taiwan(1975-1990)
作者 吳慧貞
本論文是針對1975年至1990年間,採用文獻分析法,將台灣地區民俗體育分初期與中期之時代背景、法令、組織、競賽活動等發展情形,來加以論述,根據相關的文獻資料,經過歸納、整理,歸結如下數點:一、民俗體育推展初期,1975年6月,教育部頒布「普遍推行民俗體育活動」的法令後,台灣省隨即跟進,舉辦各項的民俗體育賽程,在不斷的嘗試與摸索中,各項比賽規則、動作招式、技術純熟度及比賽辦法皆較以往更臻成熟與完整。進而在1981年,甄選第一屆的青少年民俗運動訪問團,出國表演,開啟了民俗體育的國際大門。二、民俗體育發展中期,1982年,中華民國民俗體育協會成立,負責全國民俗體育運動的推展及督導,及辦理全國民俗體育運動裁判和教練講習活動,於每年十二月舉辦全國中正杯的比賽,帶動全國性的民俗體育風潮。但各縣市之競賽卻日漸取消與合併。然而文化層面的重視亦值得一提,藉由文化層面的加強與投入,更能善盡對傳統藝術與民俗技藝之維護與保存。綜觀台灣地區民俗體育初、中期的發展,各競賽動作與規則由粗略轉而完備;推展層面由政府倡導並輔以民間組織之支持;而文化界的重視亦為民俗體育的維護,善盡保存之責。The folk sport is one of our fine traditional physical activities. However, the records related to the development and history of folk sport are rare. Although the limitation, my research is based on analysing paper works to discuss the transition of regulations, organizations and competitive activities of folk sport from 1975 till 1990. After the Ministry of Education promulgated 'Publicize Folk Sport ' in 1975., Taiwan province followed up the step on promoting folk sport . It held many competitions of folk sports . After attempting and groping about folk sport continuously,. competition rules movements highly skilled competition methods would be more matured and completed . Then in 1981 'The First Chinese Youth Folk Sport Presentation went abroad to perform. It opened the entrance of folk sports to international. The Chinese Folk Sport Association established in 1982 . It conserved the development and guidance of folk sport of nation-wide and held short-term training for judgements and coaches. It also held the national activity ' Jueng Jeng Cup ' in December and promoted the wave of folk sports . But country's competitions were canceled and combined in recent years. Beside that , the respect for folk sports in cultural circle is deserved to mention . The traditional arts and folk skills could be preserved and maintained by the strength and involvement in cultural circle
起訖頁 157-167
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200203 (32期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 中央警察大學警技課程學生運動傷害現況調查
該期刊-下一篇 宋代武舉制度之探究(960-1279)




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