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The Relation of Students' Sport Injuries the Police Professional Skill Courses in the National Central Police University
作者 吳台二吳玫玲李書維李建明 (Jane-Miage Lee)
本研究主要目的在調查中央警察大學警技課程導致學生運動傷害的因素及種類。以中央警察大學學生1132人進行調查,有效樣本共計832人(男N=755、女N=77)為研究的對象,再以自編之『中央警察大學警技課程運動傷害問卷調查』為研究工具。問卷結果以SPSS統計軟體進行資料分析,統計方法以次數及百分比之描述性統計及卡方檢定(χ2)加以分析整理,結論如下:一、學生認為柔道項目是導致運動傷害產生最主要因素,並以踝關節受傷人數最多,其次是膝關節。二、學生在第七節課及第八節課最容易發生運動傷害,並且在發生運動傷害後,學生以自行處理傷害結果最多。三、學生對運動傷害的認知普遍不足,亦認為須要將運動傷害急救與防護的課程列入警技課程內,並加強警技教官對運動傷害急救與防護的素養。學生認為警技課程外應當設置運動傷害防護室、防護員及專業醫師的編制。從調查結果發現,學生普遍認為對於運動傷害防護認知及資訊有迫切需求,亦需要專業從業人員的協助,期使傷害降到最低程度。學生未入警大前本身舊傷或體位不良者與運動傷害之產生亦有其相關性,因此入學之體格檢查更應嚴謹,並施以體能檢測,以篩檢體位,讓運動能力較佳之學生入學,此一問題值得重視。The purpose of this research project lies in finding out the various factors and kinds of students' sport injuries caused by police professional skill courses offered in the National Central Police University. The research sampling matrix is based upon 1132 undergraduates in the NCPU. The valid samples total 832 (Male N=755, Female N=77). And the research tool of method is presented with a questionnaire about 'Students' Sport Injuries Caused by the Police Professional Skill Courses in the NCPU' created by the authors. The data is analyzed by ways of using the SPSS software system and accumulated by times of occurrence as well as percentage of descriptive statistics and Chi-square(χ2) test. The research results are presented as following: 1. It is judo courses that cause most occurrence of injuries cases in which anklebone injury happens most and knee joint injury stands next. 2. Most of the injury cases are likely to happen from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, i.e. in the seventh and eighth classes. And most of the injured students may take care of themselves without seeking any medication help. 3. Most of the students know little about what an athletic injury is. Therefore, we strongly suggest that the courses of sport injury and prevention should be offered and included in the professional skill courses for police officers. Besides, the instructors of these courses are encouraged to advance their knowledge and further their study in these domains. 4. According to the students, injury preventing room, life-saving safety guards and professional medicine doctors should be available to meet their needs. To sum up, most of the students think it is urgent for them to know how to prevent sport injuries from happening and other relevant information. In addition, they also need help from professional medication consultants to lower sport injury occurrence.
起訖頁 143-156
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200203 (32期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 大學生參與體育教師教學評鑑之探討
該期刊-下一篇 台灣民俗體育發展初探(1975-1990)




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