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The Research About Student Ratings of Intruction For P.E. Teachers
作者 陳美華黃仁易
本研究主要目的,在於探討大學體育教師對於大學生參與體育教師教學評鑑的看法。採用質的研究方法,受訪者包括北、中、南共九所大學之資深體育教師,以開放式問卷及訪談方式來收集資料,並將訪談結果進行內容的分析與整理。而得到以下結果與建議:一、在實施教學評鑑時,宜參酌學生、教師及行政人員之意見。二、透過在網路實施教學評鑑相關的事宜是可行的辦法。三、教師對問卷內容的態度,傾向希望有一個更嚴謹更合適的工具。針對體育教學的特殊性所設計的題目,頗值得我們參考。而適切的設計開放性題目,亦有不錯的效果。四、在對學生填答的真實性上,大部分教師給予正面的看法,但認為「學生填太多而產生煩躁」、「學生的運動成績表現」、「出席率不高」都會影響填答的真實性。五、教學評鑑帶給教師極大的壓力,尤其作為教師升等與否的重要因素或學生選課依據,都容易造成師生的關係緊張。六、在實施成效上,經由教學評鑑,教師更認真,更有自信,甚至對自己的教學更有榮譽感。然而若是在學校的行政措施上,能提供教師改進教學的機會,如教學研討會、教學觀摩會的舉辦以及諮詢小組的設置,則能將其成效發揮至最大。The purpose of this study was to use qualitative research to probe the opinions about student ratings of instruction which were received from senior P.E. teachers in nine universities distributing north?center and south Taiwan. The data that were analyzed and discussed were collected by open questionnaire and interview. The results and suggestion from this study had come to following: 1. It should be taken the consideration of the opinion coming from both sides the faculty and students, while the teaching evaluation was taking. Besides, the teaching evaluation could be administered on computer network. 2. The teachers were concerned with the content of the questionnaire all the time. It could come out a good efficiency of evaluation if there was a appropriate open-end questionnaire designing more specific question for P.E teaching. 3. The factors which were related to too many questions in questionnaire students' performance in exercise and the rate of students' absent might affect the reality of the teaching evaluation. But student participated the teaching evaluation was positively accepted by teachers. 4. If the teaching evaluation is to be a reference to determine the teacher promotion or to define whether the classes can be accepted by students or not. The teaching evaluation might create a lot of pressure to the teachers and also might let the relationship between teachers and students become nervous. 5. The teacher will be more serious self-confident and honorable when his(her) teaches the lesson if the teaching evaluation would be taken?but it has better have a police in school to provide the opportunity for teachers to improve their teaching event such as to hold conference to set consultative committee etc. It may develop more efficiency of the teaching performance for teachers.
起訖頁 133-142
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200203 (32期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 融合式體育教學對健康體能之影響
該期刊-下一篇 中央警察大學警技課程學生運動傷害現況調查




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