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The Effect of Inclusive Physical Education Teaching on Health Related Physical Fitness
作者 鄭麗媛謝錦城吳淑美
國內於國立新竹師範學院首度實施融合式教學研究,在此國小一年級融合班中包括16位普通學童與8位輕、中度智障學童,融合式體育教學對學童健康體能的影響乃是本研究的主要目的。依據教育部頒佈之健康體能測驗項目與方法進行測驗,包括身體質量指數、仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎、立定跳遠、八百公尺耐力跑。在實驗之前普通學童的仰臥起坐(13.06±6.89次)、坐姿體前彎(28.91±6.69公分)、立定跳遠(116.13±14.41公分)、八百公尺耐力跑(362.13±78.25秒)顯著地優於失能學童的仰臥起坐(4.0±4.56次)、坐姿體前彎(20.08±11.21公分)、立定跳遠(65.17±12.64公分)、八百公尺耐力跑(565.17±205.52秒)。經過一學年的融合式體育教學,在立定跳遠與八百公尺耐力跑項目雖有進步,但未達顯著水準;但在仰臥起坐和坐姿體前彎項目上皆有顯著的進步(p<0.05)。再者,普通學童與失能學童在融合式體育教學對健康體能的進步情況,並沒有因身心障礙而造成差異。本研究結果顯示,普通學童的健康體能是優於失能學童,融合式體育教學對於肌耐力和柔軟度具有明顯的效果,但對於爆發力和心肺耐力的效果則有待加強。The study of inclusive education was first operated in National Hsin-chu Teacher's College. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the inclusive physical education teaching on health related physical fitness of students between 16 normal and 8 moderate mentally disabilities 1st grade elementary school. The items and methods of fitness test was based on the regulation of the Ministry of Education, including body mass index, sit up, sit and reach, standing long jump, and 800 meter run. The performance of sit up (13.06±6,89 times), sit and reach (28.91±6.69 cm), standing long jump (116.13±14.41 cm), and 800 meter run (362.13±78.25 sec) on normal students were significantly predominate in that of sit up (4.0±4.56 times), sit and reach (20.08±11.21 cm), standing long jump (65.17±12.64 cm), and 800 meter run (565.17±205.52 sec) on disabilities students in the beginning of this study. After inclusive physical education teaching for 1 year, the performance of standing long jump and 800 meter run were improved, but no significant. However, there were significantly (p < 0.5) progressive in sit up, sit and reach. In addition, there was no significant difference between the normal and disabilities students on the intervention of the inclusive physical education teaching in health related physical fitness. It is concluded that inclusive physical education teaching is benefit in muscular endurance and flexibility. It is also implied that muscular strength and cardiorespiratory endurance should be developed.
起訖頁 125-132
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200203 (32期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 學校體育政策合法化之探討
該期刊-下一篇 大學生參與體育教師教學評鑑之探討




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