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The Relationship between Work Value-Fit with Organizational Commitment Job Satisfaction among Players in Taiwan's Professional Baseball Leagues
作者 康正男 (Cheng-Nan Kang)
以往組織行為學的研究,大部份均著重於個人特性或組織特質對其行為的影響,而忽略了員工與組織的互動事實。所謂的個人與組織價值的契合,是指成員接受且認同組織價值的程度,當成員認同組織價值,這些價值可用來引導其行動方向,使其表現出組織所期待的行為。所以本研究採取契合度的概念,探討台灣職業棒球球員個人與組織(球團)工作價值觀契合度對球員個人工作效能的影響。本研究以台灣職棒大聯盟所屬的四支職棒球隊和中華職棒聯盟所屬的四支職棒球隊共148位職業棒球員為樣本,並參考吳鐵雄(民86)工作價值觀量表、郭建志(民88)組織承諾量表以及研究者自編之工作滿意量表,分別測量其工作價值觀(包括球團重視程度與球員的重視程度)、組織承諾及工作滿意。結果發現:(1)球員與球團的工作價值觀有明顯的落差存在。(2)工作價值觀的契合度與組織承諾,及工作滿意有高度的關聯性。(3)球員與球團工作價值觀契合度,會影響球員對組織的承諾和工作滿意程度。由上述研究結果可知,球員與球團的工作價值觀有顯著的差異,且發現工作價值觀契合度對組織承諾與工作滿意度有顯著的影響效果。因此如何強化球員與組織價值觀之契合,增進球員的組織承諾及工作滿意,是球團在球員管理上的一大重點。並且建議在未來的研究中,應將其他組織變項也列入前因變項進行探討。如組織氣候、教練領導風格等因素,如此將有助於研究內容的完整性。Most research on organizational behavior has focused on the influence of individual characteristics or organizational nature on behavior. As such, these studies tend to overlook the interaction between employees and their organizations. The notion of the value-fit between members and their organization attempts to fill in this gap. Value-fits indicate the degree to which members accept and identify with the values of their organization. When members identify with the values of their organization, these values can provide them with direction and helps them express the type of behavior that their organization wishes to see. This paper discusses the level of work value-fits between players in Taiwan's professional baseball leagues and their teams and its effects on the performance of individual players. For this paper we interviewed 148 professional baseball players associated with the four teams in the Taiwan Major League and the four teams in the Chinese Professional Baseball League to evaluate their work values (including the importance attached thereto by players and the teams), organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. We also made use of Wu Tieh-hsiung (1997)'s work value questionnaire, Kuo Chien-chih (1999)'s organizational commitment questionnaire, and the author's own work satisfaction questionnaire. We found the following results: (1) there are large differences in the levels of work-value fits between the players and their teams; (2) there is a high correlation between work value fits and players' organizational commitment and job satisfaction; (3) the level of work –value fit will effect the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of players. From this we can see that there are significant differences between the work values of players and teams and that the degree of fits between these values has a significant influence on organizational commitment and work satisfaction. Thus, increasing the work value-fits to increase players' organizational commitments and job satisfaction should be an important feature for teams in their management of players. We further recommend that future research consider variables such as organizational environment and coaching styles in order to achieve more thorough results.
起訖頁 99-109
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200203 (32期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 影響職棒比賽觀賞人數之因素研究--以中部地區球迷為例
該期刊-下一篇 學校體育政策合法化之探討




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