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The Study of Factors Affecting Fan Attendance in the Professional Basebal - A Case Study of Fans in Central Taiwan
作者 張孝銘高俊雄
本研究主要的目的想了解影響職棒比賽觀賞人數的因素,建構體育運動觀賞行為模式。研究以情境涉入、持續涉入、依附、顯著性認同、觀賞滿意度、觀賞頻率因素作為建構職棒球迷觀賞行為的模式。本研究設計以曾至中華職棒與台灣大聯盟現場觀賞比賽的球迷為對象,透過後援會、球友會以及社團的方式發放給球迷,總計發出問卷900份,回收有效問卷737份。回收有效問卷經統計分析後,結果發現:1、持續涉入與依附因素對觀賞滿意度有正向的因果關係存在;2、依附因素對顯著性認同因素有正向的因果關係存在;3、情境涉入與顯著性認同因素對現場觀賞頻率有正向的因果關係存在;4、觀賞滿意度與現場觀賞頻率之間有相關存在。基於上述之研究發現,研究者認為職棒經營者可針對上述的研究結果擬定出不同的行銷策略,以提昇職棒球迷的現場觀賞頻率;此外並建議未來研究者可參考此模式,應用與發展不同的休閒消費者行為模式。The purpose of this study was aimed to the factors affecting fan attendance in professional baseball (PB), and establish model of sports spectator behavior. A model of factors was through established situational involvement, enduring involvement, attachment, salience involvement, satisfaction and spectator frequency. This questionnaire was adopted from fans in Taiwan Major League and Chinese Professional Baseball League, non-random sampling method was used, and 737 effective questionnaires were collected. The results are as follows after statistics analysis: a. There was positive causal relationship of enduring involvement and attachment both on satisfaction. b. The attachment was positive causal relationship on salience identity. c. There was positive causal relationship of situational involvement and salience identity both on spectator frequency. d. The results also showed that significance of high correlation between the spectator frequency and satisfaction. We can not only apply the results on this study to PB managers to marketing strategy, but also propose suggestion for future researcher develop different model of leisure consumer behavior through this research.
起訖頁 87-97
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200203 (32期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 知覺訓練對足球12碼罰球預期表現的影響
該期刊-下一篇 台灣職業棒球員工作價值觀契合度與組織承諾、工作滿意之關係




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