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Modal Choice Preference in Scenic Areas - A Case of Sun Moon Lake Route, Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Bus
作者 謝承憲馮正民林韋丞
為克服觀光地區尖峰時段私有運具湧入所衍生問題,交通部觀光局推動臺灣好行景點接駁旅遊服務計畫,但計畫績效至今卻未見顯著改善,主因係業者仍以傳統公路客運型態經營之,而未實際了解遊客需求及其特性。據此,本研究以日月潭為例,探討觀光地區遊客運具之選擇偏好,並釐清影響選擇行為之特性,以提出改善臺灣好行服務之策略。除觀光旅次、遊客特質與社經變數外,並探討套票、導覽解說服務與限制小汽車使用等策略情境,以羅吉特模式進行校估。分析結果顯示,遊客未使用臺灣好行主因係無法確知乘車資訊,其次為運具使用習慣;而改善策略皆有助於提高選擇臺灣好行的機率,並可協助決策者檢視補貼績效,進而研擬提升搭乘率及減緩交通衝擊之策略。To ease the congestion of tourism destinations from private vehicles in peak hours, the Tourism Bureau developed the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Bus (TTSB) services. However, the ridership of TTSB has possessed insignificant improvement because of the operational type following traditional transit bus without understanding tourist demands and features. Accordingly, the Sun Moon Lake is employed as an empirical case to explore the tourist preference for modal choice in scenic areas, determine the critical socioeconomic factors impacting choice preference, and provide improvement strategies for TTSB. In addition to trip and tourist attributes, strategic scenarios including travel packages, interpretations, and limitation of private vehicle uses areas are developed. The parameters are estimated by Logit model. The analytic results reveal that more than 70% tourists taking non-TTSB service to tour are absent from information about TTSB, followed by private vehicle use habits. Strategy scenarios are helpful to increase the ridership of TTSB, assisting decision-makers in assessing performance of subsidy strategies, and adopting appropriate improvement strategies to increase ridership of TTSB and mitigate the traffic issues in scenic areas.
起訖頁 35-62
關鍵詞 臺灣好行觀光地區運具選擇偏好遊客特質Taiwan Tourist Shuttle BusTTSBScenic areaModal choice preferenceTourist attribute
刊名 運輸學刊  
期數 201403 (26:1期)
出版單位 中華民國運輸學會
該期刊-上一篇 救災直升機汰換與駕駛員換裝訓練時程之研究
該期刊-下一篇 綠色港口成功因素探析




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