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Fleet Replacement and Pilot Training Schedules for Rescue Helicopters
作者 湯慶輝黃新達
機隊汰換與駕駛員換裝訓練的時程能否配合,將影響執行任務的能力,因此對救災單位而言,如何在機隊規劃的過程中,同時考慮直升機機隊規劃與駕駛員訓練時程,以使兩者能相互配合以利任務執行,實為一重要的課題。有鑑於此,本研究以救災單位為立場,發展整合駕駛員訓練及機隊汰換規劃模式,以幫助相關單位求得良好的駕駛員訓練及機隊汰換時程。本研究運用數學規劃方法,以網路流動的技巧,構建機隊新機、汰除、延壽、正副駕駛員時空網路,以構建模式。其中,考慮規劃對象可能有不同目標考量,構建兩種策略模式以供相關單位參考。為測試本研究模式之績效,我們以一國內相關救災單位資料為例進行分析。最後,根據研究的結果,提出結論與建議。The schedules of the helicopter fleet replacement as well as the pilot and copilot trainings will affect the mission ability. The integration of the fleet planning as well as the pilot and copilot trainings is an important issue for the related rescue department. Therefore, in this research, from a rescue organization's perspective, we develop an integrated model for the helicopter fleet planning as well as the pilot and copilot trainings to find good fleet replacement, pilot and copilot training schedules. We use mathematical programming techniques to formulate the model in which the network flow technique is employed to construct the purchase, the replacement, the life-extension, the pilot and the copilot time-space networks. We develop two strategic models in reference with different objectives required by the planner in actual operations. The models are evaluated by performing a case study using real operating data from a Taiwan rescue organization. Conclusions and suggestions are then given.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 救災直升機機隊規劃駕駛員訓練網路流動技巧數學規劃Rescue helicopterFleet planningPilot and copilot trainingNetwork flow techniqueMathematical programming
刊名 運輸學刊  
期數 201403 (26:1期)
出版單位 中華民國運輸學會
該期刊-下一篇 觀光地區遊客運具之選擇偏好--以臺灣好行日月潭線為例




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