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誰來主導學校? 現代家長與學校互動關係及啟示
Who Is in Charge of the School? Parent-School Relationships and Its Implications
作者 沈桂枝
This study critically interprets the relationship changes between parents and schools, the ruling relations, as well as the social organizations that institutionalize parent-school interaction. The method of institutional ethnography was adopted and the empirical data were gathered from an elementary school. The results indicated that parent-school relationships are different from the past because parents who voice their opinions have the power, and play the leading roles of the school. As consumers, parents nowadays have more power than teachers. As professionals, schools are restricted by the education laws which originated from the discourse of capitalism, which is education as service industry. This situation is growing worse as Taiwan’s birthrate declines. Since predominant parents are far more able to exercise their power than others, school resources are used by them to ensure advantages to their children. Privatization of public becomes a crisis, and it implicates the inequality of education. Therefore, this study addresses the concepts for strengthening public discourse.
起訖頁 055-080
關鍵詞 家校關係社會編制公領域私有化建制俗民誌parent-school relationshipsocial organizationprivatization of publicinstitutional ethnography
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201409 (33期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 北部新移民與非新移民學童國語科學習路徑之探究:智力固定觀的影響
該期刊-下一篇 國中臺灣史教科書政治意識型態之批判論述分析---以翰林(2013版)教材內容為例




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