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The Critical Discourse Analysis of Political Ideology on Taiwanese History Textbooks for Junior High School--Take Han Lin Edition for example (2013)
作者 馮美滿
本研究以翰林(2013版)國中七年級臺灣史教科書之教材為例,分析政府在教科書所呈現的政治意識型態,採取批判論述分析的方式,試圖解構教科書中的國家霸權與政治意識型態,以揭露教科書中隱藏的政治意識型態,希望藉此研究瞭解教科書之意識型態,同時,喚起相關單位對教科書中政治意識型態的重視,也希望站在第一線的教師,能藉由批判論述分析策略,解構教科書政治意識型態,培養學生批判反思的能力,以開闊歷史視野。 其研究分析結果發現:國中七年級臺灣史教科書政治意識型態在「知識論的選擇」呈現「表現政府的知識旨趣」、「單面正向的漢文化知識呈現模式」、「忽視學生的主體性」、「教科書文本呈現片斷與偏頗的知識陳述」和「教科書文本編排嚴謹呆板,難與學生之生活經驗連結」;在「方法論的處置」上,則使用「政府至上」的語言表面結構、「使用強化/弱化論述:對不同族群厚此薄彼的再合理化」、「使用有利我群的專有辭彙」和「執政者為主、人民為輔、避重就輕」的基模結構;在「論述的引出」方面,則包含「強調漢文化為主體,強化學生的民族認同與國家認同」、「對文化不利者難以產生對自我文化之認同」和「強化政府之角色,弱化人民抗拒之可能」之政治論述。其結果發現國中七年級臺灣史教科書政治意識型態符合「負面描述他群、正面描述我群」的特色,也符合了國家統治團體的政治意識型態。
This paper took Han Lin Taiwanese history textbooks for seventh graders as examples to analyze the political ideology adopted by the authorites on the textbooks. The researcher made use of critical discourse analysis to de-construct the national hegemony and political ideology on them. Secondly, the revelation of the hidden political ideology inside the textbooks was involved so that it’s able to attract the attention of the authorites- related and school teachers. The other objective for teachers was to promote students’ critical thinking and reflection. Overall, this paper aimed at examining the textbooks with a wide point of historical view. The outcomes are as follows: 1.The choice of knowledge: the political ideology on Taiwanese history textbooks for seventh graders showed the authorities’ knowledge and interests, a one-way and positive appearance of Chinese culture, the ignorance of students’ subjectivity, and the arbitrary knowledege narration. What’s more, the arrangement of the textbooks was so boring that the connection between students’ lives and textbook content was weak. 2.Methodology: the language structure was mainly government-unrivaled, and the reinforcement and weakness discourse-- re-justification on unfairness to diverse ethnic groups was adopted. What’s more, it used ruler-dominated, people-neglected schemes and many professional words which were favarable to our kin. 3.Discourse: there was emphasis on Chinese culture, reinforcement on students’ ethnic and national identification. Certain political discourses were included: one is for people of culture deprivation to develop self-culture identification; the other was the emphasis on the rule of the authorites, and weakness on people’s resistance. The outcomes showed that the political ideology of Taiwanese history textbooks for seventh graders accorded to negative description of others and positive description of my groups, and it satisfied the political ideology of the authorities.
起訖頁 081-108
關鍵詞 國中臺灣史教科書翰林(2013版)政治意識型態批判論述分析textbookpolitical ideologycritical discourse analysis
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201409 (33期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 誰來主導學校? 現代家長與學校互動關係及啟示




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