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Use William’s Government%2C Academic Circles and Market Interaction Model of Higher Education to Discuss the Withdraw Mechanism of Private Vocational Schools
作者 朱麗文
With the trend of fewer children, the higher education market have become oversupply and result in education devaluation. The universities which school system are not perfect, no features, weak financial construction become the withdraw list. Research on the issues related to the current crisis on higher education, most of them focus on explore the impact of less children for higher education, market mechanism and higher education, the universities mergerd or withdraw, the strategies of Government to deal with the mergerd or withdraw. But there is no literature to discuss about the interaction of marketization, government and vocational schoolat on the withdraw universities. The purpose of this study is adopt William’s government, academic circles and market interaction model of higher education and the process of withdraw vocational schools. The first paragraph we discusses is our national higher education by Williams’s model. The second paragraph is to discuss the status of private vocational schools.The third paragraph is to discuss the withdraw private technical vocational schools by William’s model.The last paragraph is the conclusion and suggestion for our government authorities.
起訖頁 249-265
關鍵詞 C l a rk協調之三角模式Wi l l i am國家學術圈與市場互動模式私立大 專校院退場機制Clark’s triangle patternWilliam’s governmentacademic circles and market interaction Modelprivate vocational school, withdraw mechanism
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201509 (99期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.3966/160683002015090099012   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 十二年國民基本教育學業成就與教育分流之探討




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