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The Study of Academic Achievement and Education Tracking in 12-year Compulsory Education
作者 蔡政忠
The aim of this study is to explore the effects of academic achievement and education tracking after 12-year Compulsory Education had been implemented. The questionnaire was designed to collect opinions from ninth grade junior high school students. The population of this study were the ninth grade (102 school year) junior high school students in Taichung City. 391 students were sampled from three schools. This study analyzes the academic achievement of “Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School in 102 school year” and keep following their actual education tracking. Findings of this study were expressed as follows: 1. The satisfaction degree of 12-year compulsory education was middle low, The better backgrounds the higher academic achievement and the more dissatisfaction in 12-year compulsory education policy. 2. Factors of family background were significantly affected the junior high school students’ academic achievement. 3. There were middle high positive correlation among parents’ expectation, self-expectations and academic achievement. 4. The better family background of students, the higher tendency they attend public high schools. Instead, the poor family background of students, the higher tendency they attend private vocation high school. 5. 44% sample students took extra lessons after school in this study, and the study founded that their academic achievement were significantly higher than the students who were not attend extra lessons after school.
起訖頁 226-248
關鍵詞 12年國民基本教育學業成就教育分流12-year compulsory educationacademic achievementeducation tracking
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201509 (99期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.3966/160683002015090099011   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 臺中市幼托整合政策實施後公立幼兒園教師工作壓力與教學效能關係之研究
該期刊-下一篇 從國家、學術圈與市場互動模式探討我國私立大專校院之退場機制




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