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同理中的跨越:以臺灣Wraparound 方案親代與子代夥伴服務經驗為對象的探究
Cross-Over and Empathy:A Phenomenological Research on Peer Service Experience of the Wraparound Program in Taiwan
作者 鄭怡世蕭琮琦張緡鏐 (Min-Liu Chang)周千郁
過往助人/社會工作領域在討論「同理」這個概念,或進行同理心訓練時,其指向與路徑多是在涵養助人工作者的知識與技巧,而非將焦點放在如何協助助人工作者跨出自我,在人與人的互動格局及行動中來與服務對象建立與深化關係。從人際間互動格局及行動的層面來看,同理之所以發生,必定是一個主體與另一個主體在意識上產生跨越的行動,而讓完全不同生存姿態/視域的雙方產生彼此聯繫、相互理解,以及共感意義的歷程。本研究嘗試運用現象學方法,以臺灣Wraparound 方案親代與子代夥伴的服務經驗為研究對象,探究同理中的跨越行動在助人工作現場是如何生成、促發與運作。研究結果發現,同理中的跨越其本質是一種倫理的行動,此倫理行動是助人工作者將服務對象的現身視為一種召喚、回應這個召喚、凝視及置放自我意識的臨界、將眼光移向服務對象、產生超越的行動這一連串的動態歷程所構築而成。基於此,本研究也對助人工作者的養成提出建議。期待這樣的探索可以架接助人工作在知識與行動之間的差距,並藉此深化對助人行動知識的瞭解與實踐。
Current studies or training programs of empathy regularly concentrate on raise up professionals’ knowledge and skill; they do not focus on cultivating their empathetic crossing-over. From the perspective of interpersonal interaction and ordering, the empathy involves a conscious action of crossing-over, which occurs between two actors, thereby enabling these two actors of differ-ent living backgrounds and perceptions to mutually connect with, understand, and relate to each others’ feelings and perceptions. However, how the phenomenon of crossing-over often takes place in the helping relationship, i.e. how it is actually formed, develops, and progresses has not yet been investigated. Therefore, this study aims to offer some answers by adopting the hermeneutic- phenomenology methodology to study peer service experience within ‘Wraparound’ programs operated in Taiwan. The study finds that the essence of this empathetic crossing-over between two actors (a helping professional and a client) could be characterized as an ethical act. On the part of a helping professional, the act may be understood as a calling stemming from the presence of their clients who are seeking their help. In response to this calling, helping professionals would go through a series of dynamic processes consisting of observing and shifting their focus onto their clients, placing themselves at the edge of their self-consciousness, going beyond their self-consciousness, and then carrying out the action of empathetic crossing-over. Based on the findings, the study puts forth some suggestions regarding the education and training for social work practitioners. We anticipate that the study might extends and deepens the theories related to empathy, and could help social work practitioners to close the gap between their knowledge and actions in practice during the process of creating and maintaining a helping relationship. Doing so will help enrich their understanding and putting their knowledge into practice by helping people.
起訖頁 165-216
關鍵詞 同理行動知識現象學方法Wraparound方案empathyethical acthermeneutic-phenomenology methodologyWraparound services
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201506 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 育兒家庭最低可接受生活標準之初探
該期刊-下一篇 架構理論與實務知能的教與學:社會團體工作的教學設計與反思




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