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A Minimally Acceptable Standard of Living for Families with Children: A Preliminary Study
作者 呂朝賢陳柯玫陳琇惠
In Taiwan, the calculation of the poverty threshold is usually based on income measurement that does not take account of the customary standard of living. Therefore, this study attempted to calculate minimum budgets for families with children using a consensual budget standards method in order to establish an adequate poverty threshold. The two data collection methods used to analyze the minimum budget standards were focus group and questionnaire survey. The results were as follows: (1) the group members had a common understanding of poverty and used daily items or events to define 'poverty and a minimally acceptably standard of living.' (2) Daily necessities were categorized according to demographic characteristics and needs. (3) The basic protection provided by the government, such as National Health Insurance and School Lunch Program is an important indicator used to identify if families’ minimum standards of living were met. (4) Group members did not easily reach a consensus on minimum budgets as compared with the questionnaire results. We calculated the bandwidths for minimum budgets, indicating that a minimum budget shared the proportion of 'the 50% of average consumption expenditure for a four-person family.' The range in the consensus found in the focus groups is 67.27% to 158.49%. As for the results found in the questionnaire, the lower and upper limits are 88.34% and 106.65%, respectively.
起訖頁 105-164
關鍵詞 共識預算標準法育兒家庭貧窮門檻最低可接受生活標準焦點團體consensual budget standards approachpoverty thresholdminimally acceptable standard of livingfamilies with childrenfocus group
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201506 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣精神障礙者手足照顧經驗之初探:以父母照顧經驗做對照
該期刊-下一篇 同理中的跨越:以臺灣Wraparound 方案親代與子代夥伴服務經驗為對象的探究




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