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Instructional Design and Reflection on Social Group Work Class:Connecting Theory and Practice
作者 張貴傑
「社會團體工作」是社會工作的三大方法(社會個案工作、社會團體工作與社區工作)之一,也是社會工作學系學生在學期間必修的重要課程。研究者自2003 年開始在某大學社工系教授社會團體工作課程,至今也近10 年。過程中不斷地思考,身為一位實務工作教學的教師到底要教會學生什麼?是社會團體工作的相關理論知識?還是帶領學生如何操作一個團體?或是讓學生可以設計與評估一個適宜機構與服務對象的團體?經過10 年的教學演進,試圖勾勒出自己是如何將這些教學目的實踐在教學歷程中。在本研究中,研究者以「自我研究」(self-study)(Schön, 1987)自述社會團體工作這門課的「教學設計」,並訪談已畢業的校友及正在學的學生。透過研究歷程,讓研究者有機會重新思考自己的教學設計,並將此歷程提供給教學社群,以起拋磚引玉之效。另,研究者於研究中演繹行動式教學設計歷程,並據此進行教學設計反思。
Since 2003, I have been teaching as a professor in the social group work course for the department of social work in the University. I have been considering a suitable way to teach the students in this class. I have been wondering which component is more important: the theories? the ability to lead a group? or permitting the students to participate in design and the evaluation through an appropriate association or group? After ten years, I’ve tried to clarify how to put all of them into practice. ‘Social group work’ is one of the three important major social work methods; in class, all of the students are required to participate. With the theory of learning by doing from Dewey, and ten years of teaching experiences, the specialty of our department, as emphasized in this class, has become more clarified. This study aims to understand the social work course design through the learning experience on the part of the students. To review whether the course design and learning interest are related to the students’ ability improvement, I analyzed the syllabus and documents, and interviewed the students who were taking or had taken this course. From the interview, we see that it is possible to combine the theories and practical experiences within the complex program design, team teaching and experience of seniors, group experience, establishing the task groups, massive amounts of homework, and evaluation
起訖頁 217-239
關鍵詞 社會工作教育社會團體工作教學反思教學設計social work educationsocial group workreflection of teachinginstruction design
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201506 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 同理中的跨越:以臺灣Wraparound 方案親代與子代夥伴服務經驗為對象的探究




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