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The Enscribed Portrait of a Female Zen Master--A Study on the Image of Qi-Yuan Zen Master through the Contrast of he Portrait and Verbal Expression
作者 蘇美文
The female Zen master, Qi-Yuan-Jin-Gang (1597-1654), her dialogues was published and preserved as Ming-yan(名言). On the first page, there is a portrait of the master, which is Xie-Zhen(寫真). In order to study the image of Qi-Yuan completely, Ming-yan and Xie-Zhen are the two key references. This paper is divided into five parts: first, the portrait of the master; second, the poem by master herself; third, self description; fourth, the title of master in texts. Finally, I analyze the description of the master and her disciples. Thus, I conclude three major images: Ru-yi(如意),Han-mei(HHan 寒梅),and Zhang-fu(丈夫).These images show that Qi-Yuan Zen master was proved that she had got enlightenment and inherited the Linji Zen school. In addition to that, her confident image also displays both her conscientious and easy attitude. This reflects that Xie-Zhen and the poem by master herself are prevalent at that time; the title that people use usually assumed that the person is a male; besides, people’s attention on the issue of “the male is superior to the female”arose from the appearance of female Zen masters. In order to attain the true meaning of a master’s Tao-ying(道影), my study method is to discuss the master’s portrait in terms of Xie-Zhen, dialogue, Qi-Yuan herself and others’opinions , the era and the Buddhist environment at that time.
起訖頁 235-285
關鍵詞 禪宗女性道影寫真稱謂祇園女性禪師形象Zen schoolFemalePortrait of a masterTao-yingXie-zhenTitleQi-yuanFemale Zen master
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200507 (10期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 參訪名師:南宋求法日僧與江浙佛教叢林
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣近代(1895-1945)佛教史研究之再檢討




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