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佛學研究中心學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Review of Studies on Buddhist History in Contemporary Taiwan (1895-1945)
作者 江燦騰
This article is mainly to focus academic history on studying with Buddhist reformation in modern times of Taiwan (1895-1945), and to expound the general situation of the academic circle to this day (2005), and furthermore propose the more exhaustive overview, and build the argumentation which has constructed this article systematically base on my investigation of the newly sight of East Asia Buddhist Studies in 20th century and expected further discourses. The content of this article is one innovation from the paper which titled “The collected and studied on historical material of Buddhism in Taiwan that about managing period by Japan in the past 50 years “which I had been published, but the relevant argumentation is more careful and detailed than preceding essay, it consist not only the expansion of the material but also with the aspects of the history of academic history on studying with Buddhism in modern Taiwan, even related to the trend of development within newly East Asia Buddhism that taking modern Japanese Buddhism as the centre in the 20th century.
起訖頁 287-326
關鍵詞 殖民統治二十世紀東亞新佛教臺灣佛教日本佛教日華親善兩岸交流林德林李添春松金公正釋慧嚴開元寺林秋梧高執德東海宜誠ColonizationThe 20th centuryNewly east Asia BuddhismBuddhism of TaiwanJapan’s BuddhismKai-yuan temple
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200507 (10期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 女性禪師的道影--由「寫真與名言」探析祇園禪師之形象




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