中文摘要 |
臺灣國家華語測驗推動工作委員會考試報告指出,無論報考華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)哪個級別的考生,多以《新版實用視聽華語》(以下簡稱《視華》)系列為主要教材。此表示教材內容影響著學生的學習狀況及TOCFL考試上的表現。有鑒於《視華》所涵蓋的詞語與TOCFL考試不同級別所需具備的詞語在過去並未經詳細探討,本研究藉由比較及分析兩者之間的詞語異同處得到了以下幾項發現:(1)兩者之間有3,693筆相同的詞語,有2,085筆《視華》詞語不在TOCFL詞表中,而有3,776筆TOCFL詞語未納入於《視華》中。(2)兩詞表的收詞原則不同,各具其選詞特色。(3)《視華》中具有較多臺灣特色的詞語。(4)TOCFL詞表「兒化」詞的數量高於《視華》。本研究進一步自《視華》未納入TOCFL詞表的2,085詞中,取得314筆高頻詞作為對TOCFL的建議詞表,也從TOCFL未收錄至《視華》的3,776詞中選取前三級的289筆詞作為對《視華》的建議詞語。期望本研究結果及建議可提供華語學習者、教師和教材與測驗編寫人員以及考試單位作為參考。 |
英文摘要 |
According to the report of The Steering Committee for the Test Of Proficiency-Huayu (SC-TOP), most of CSL (Chinese as a Second Language) learners in Taiwan taking The Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) use Practical Audio-Visual Chinese series as the primary learning material. Thus, the content and vocabulary in the series have a clear impact on CSL learners' learning and on their test performance. However, very few studies focused on comparing the vocabulary used in Practical Audio-Visual Chinese (PAVC wordlist) with "Chinese 8,000 Vocabulary" (TOCFL wordlist). In this study, we compared the vocabulary in the PAVC series of textbooks and TOCFL wordlist and found: (1) 3,693 words are shared by both PAVC and TOCFL wordlists, while 2,085 words in PAVC are not covered in TOCFL list. And TOCFL has 3,776 words that are not found in PAVC. (2) The criteria for selecting words in PAVC wordlist are different from those in TOCFL wordlist. (3) The PAVC contains more vocabulary items related to Taiwan features than TOCFL wordlist does. (4) The TOCFL wordlist contains a larger number of -er words than the PAVC does. Based on the results of comparison, we suggested that 314 high-frequency words in the PAVC could be included in TOCFL wordlist, and 289 words from the TOCFL wordlist could be incorporated into the PAVC. The findings of this study can serve as a useful reference for Chinese learners, teachers, textbook compilers, and language test agencies. |