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Effect of Home Language on the Chinese Lexical Ability of 6-year-old Singaporean Children
作者 潘霖妮陳志銳
With English language dominating social use in Singapore, there is a rising trend of English being the dominant home language in local Chinese families. To better understand children's Chinese language ability and their language exposure, the Singapore Centre for Chinese Language conducted a 2-year research project entitled "An Investigation of Singaporean Chinese Preschoolers' Language Use & Exposure". A total of 1,233 parents of Kindergarten 2 children (aged 6) participated in a survey, and 372 children of these 1,233 parents subsequently participated in a picture description and a character recognition test. This paper aims to examine the effect of home language on the Chinese lexical ability of 6-year-old Singaporean Chinese children. Eleven children from dual income family were selected and divided into three home language groups: CHL (Chinese as main home language), CEHL (Chinese and English as main home languages) and EHL (English as main home language). Video- and audio-recordings were transcribed by using CHAT transcription. Word types, word tokens and mean length of utterance were analyzed by CLAN program. Two-way ANOVA analyses with home language and gender as independent variables were performed separately on word types, word tokens and mean length of utterance. The results reveal that lexical ability of the 11 6-year-old Chinese children has no significant difference across three home language groups in terms of the lexicon acquired. However, home language has significant effect on word type and mean length of utterance. The lack of function words causes them problems in putting words together.
起訖頁 95-126
關鍵詞 詞彙能力家庭用語華語習得Lexical abilityHome languageChinese language acquisition
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 201506 (10期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 探討《新版實用視聽華語》與「華測八千詞」選用詞語之異同




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