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Phonological Functional Load in Singapore Primary School Textbooks: A Corpus-based Analysis
作者 羅慶銘
Phonological functional load refers to the amount of information carried by a phonetic unit (consonants, vowels, tones and syllables) in a phonological transmission process and is also called phoneme functional load. As an important phonological quantification indicator, textbook phonological load has a direct or indirect impact on Chinese phonetic acquisition, classification of phonetic elements, and the content arrangement of phonetics teaching. Applying statistical principles to the Singapore primary school Chinese textbook corpus, this paper seeks to compute the phonological load of the textbook phonetic constituent elements, including consonants, vowels, and tones. Results indicate that the phonological load of Chinese consonants, vowels and tones is uneven. Vowels in general have the highest phonological load, followed by consonants, with tones having the lowest phonological load. However, an examination from the point of view of average load reveals that tones command the highest phonological load, with a greater difference in the phonological load of the internal subsystems of consonants, vowels and tones. The main cause for the difference in Chinese phonological load lies in a difference in the usage frequency of various phonetic constituent elements, with frequency being proportional to phonological load. However, frequency is not the sole factor that changes phonological load. The internal configuration of phonetic systems and the opposing or complimentary relationship between phonetic units would also directly affect the phonological load of binary oppositions. These preliminary conclusions are of reference value to the research and pedagogy of phonetic acquisition of Chinese as a second language.
起訖頁 29-47
關鍵詞 教材語料庫語音負擔冗餘度頻率統計Textbook corpusPhonological loadRedundancyFrequency statistics
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 201506 (10期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 二語學習者仿寫對偶修辭格其漢語作文影響分析
該期刊-下一篇 以觀音靈籤作為華語閱讀教材及其教學設計




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