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Effects of CS/FL Learners’ Imitating Chinese Antithesis Figure of Speech in their Writing
作者 吳雙
Antithesis figure of speech is the most traditional and common Chinese rhetorical device. Due to its productive generalization, it might help CS/FL (Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language) learners quickly acquire Chinese words, phrases and sentences. In the history of teaching CS/FL, antithesis figure of speechhas been used for quite a long time in pedagogy,for it can facilitate learners’constructing and enlarging semantic networks of vocabulary by mastering the internal structures of words, phrases and sentences. For the purpose of evaluatingthe learning effects of Chinese antithesis figure of speech, we conducted an experiment to investigate CSL learners’production of antithesis couplets. Results show that through the treatment of teachingantithesis couplets as templates by asking the participants to imitate them, their writings had the following characteristics: (1)four-character couplets such as feng ge shuli, die wuhuaqian‘Bees sing songs among trees and butterflies dance aroundflowers’, (2)not strict antithesis/duel couplets, (3)keconstruction, and (4)errors in antithesis couplets. After theteaching treatment, in the learners’compositions often appeared antithesis, parallel and quasi-parallel sentences. Based on the results, we argue that the production of antithesis couplets consists of perception, construction and outputstages in information processingprocedure. We also suggest that in order to increase CS/FL learners’accuracy in using words, complexity in making sentences, and fluencyand native-likeness in forming texts, teachers can raise their awareness of analyzing the meanings and forms of Chinese words by providing practices in imitation of antithesis couplets.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 對偶仿寫留學生漢語寫作傳統寫作理論二語寫作教學Antithesis coupletsImitating writing samplesCS/FL writingTraditional writing theoriesTeaching writing to second language learners
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 201506 (10期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-下一篇 基於新加坡小學華文教材語料庫的語音負擔分析




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