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Intensive Nursing Experience of Caring a School-aged Child with Paraquat Intoxication
作者 張韻婷蔡佳玲
Child’s suicide and self-injurious events occur sometimes recently. Whether it damages to life or not, it will cause psychological damage to the child. This article explored the intensive nursing experience of caring a school-aged child with paraquat intoxication. The author provided emergent treatment in acute stage and established trust relationship with the child. Applying the Roy’s adaptation model as assessment framework, we collected data by using participant observation, direct nursing care and individual interviews. The client’s major health problems were as follows: (1) Risk for self-harm, related to derision of classmates causing emotion out of control and conflict between ideal and reality; (2) Impaired oral mucous membrane, related to paraquat intoxicity causing dry oral mucous membrane and oral ulcer; (3) Potential risk for infection, related to placement of various intrusive catheters; (4) Disturbed sleep pattern, related to environment, uncomfortable situation and treatment disturbance; (5) Deficient activity for diversion, related to hospitalization and isolation. The client first was unwilling to reveal the reason for paraquat intoxication. She became willing to talk with nurses at last. The author provided consistent caring and guidance to clarify her values, guided her to view things differently, and offered positive encouragement to reinforce her strength. Finally, nurses could assist the client to face physiological and psychological adaptation. In addition to continuous follow-up for physiological conditions, the patient sustained psychological consultation to prevent future tragedies from happening.
起訖頁 355-365
關鍵詞 巴拉刈中毒學齡期兒童自傷行為加護護理paraquat intoxicationschool-aged childself-harm behaviorintensive care
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201009 (21:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 協助一位腦性麻痺患童母親渡過依賴呼吸器照護之調適過程
該期刊-下一篇 一位冷凝球蛋白血症患者之護理經驗




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