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A Case Study of the Effects of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program after Lung Lobectomy
作者 范聖心陳清惠 (Ching-Hui Chen)
This case study reported the effects of a pulmonary rehabilitation program for a patient underwent lung lobectomy. In addition, the difficulties of carrying out this program were also examined. The subject was a 53-year-old, female, lung cancer patient, having right lung lobectomy in one of the medical centers at southern Taiwan. Based on literature review and experts’ opinions, the author designed the program. The program includes three types of physical exercise: upper limb, lower limb and respiratory muscle exercise. To carry out this program, three stages were conducted: pre-operation, post-operation and after discharge. The results showed that, physically, the maximum inspiration volume of Coach and SPO2 of the patient consistently improved after surgery. One month after operation, the maximum inspiration volume of Coach was even higher than the amount before surgery. One week after operation, the six minutes walking distance was 32.3% less than the distance before operation, while one month later, the walking distance improved 24.8% comparing to that before surgery. Psychologically, during the process, the nurse and the family was involved intensively when the patient was highly motivated and adhered to the program. Two weeks after the surgery the patient regained her independence in all the activity of daily living. Fourteen days after discharge, the patient was able to perform her regular social activities. The pulmonary rehabilitation program conducted in this study showed not only it improved the physical function of the patient, but also provided the patient as well as her families a goal that they are able to accomplish. This program may provide the clinical nurses useful information to improve their quality of care for the lung lobectomy patients.
起訖頁 377-387
關鍵詞 肺葉切除術肺部復健運動復健運動成效lobectomypulmonary rehabilitationeffects of rehabilitation program
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 200609 (17:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 照顧一位惡性脈絡膜黑色素瘤合併多處轉移病患之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 運用Watson理論照顧養護中心一位遷移壓力症候群老年住民之經驗




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