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The Norm, Legal Nature of Leave for Union and Employers' Authority for Granting the Permission: Concurrently Discuss the Development of Judicial Decisions in Taiwan
作者 林良榮 (Liang-Jung Lin)
From a practical standpoint, the legal cases related to "Leave for Union Related Business" (LURB) are rarely seen; however, practicing such type of leaves can be a difficult challenge. When tension occurs between labors and employers, whether the union staffs can be granted with "LURB" by employers may significantly impact their future development of relationship. The issue and essence of the "LURB" focus on two themes: (1) the nature of this legislation; and (2) the conflict caused while employees take this leave at the expense of employers. From the perspective of preventing unfair labor practices, the following issues should be further examined and clarified. What are the rights for union staffs to take a leave while handling union business? What is the perimeter while union staffs exercise their right of "LURB"? In the meantime, granting permission for "LURB" from employers may affect the unity of a union. This study will examine the "LURB" from the related international and domestic laws, as well as provide examples on the recent domestic civic court decisions and executive lawsuits. A protective mechanism of "LURB" based on the rights and legality of union activities will be concluded.
起訖頁 49-88
關鍵詞 會務假不當勞動行為工會活動勞動基本權Leave for Union Related BusinessUnfair labor practiceUnion activitiesBasic labor rights
刊名 思與言  
期數 201403 (52:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 工會行動權之法理與言論自由之界限
該期刊-下一篇 我國雙軌制不當勞動行為裁決制度之研究:日本法之比較為中心




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