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Limitation on the Right to Act Collectively and the Union's Freedom of Speech
作者 張鑫隆
To criticize and blow the whistle on the employers is very important to the continuation and the administration of labor unions, but union leaders are often dismissed or dealt with a disadvantage. The Supreme Court has recognized such a dismissal as breach of duty and of loyalty. However, after initiating remedies for unfair labor practices in 2011, several decisions that recognized the employer's obligation not to interfere with labor unions or its criticism and whistle-blowing by leaders have been made by Tribunal for Unfair Labor Practices and Taipei High Administrative Court. On the other hand, opinions regarding whether or not employers interfere with labor unions remain in discord between theory and practice in Japan. Determining the evaluation of employer's obligation regarding interfering with activities of labor unions and labor disputes would therefore be inevitable in Taiwan.
起訖頁 7-47
關鍵詞 工會行動權容忍義務言論自由不當勞動行為工會活動right to act collectivelythe employer's obligation not to interferefreedom of speechunfair labor practicethe activities of a labour union
刊名 思與言  
期數 201403 (52:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「工會行動權」專號導言
該期刊-下一篇 工會會務假之規範、法律性質與雇主准駁權限:兼論我國法院判決實務之發展




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