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Impacts of Task Conditions and Writing Modes on L2 Chinese Writing Fangyuan Yuan
作者 袁芳遠
本研究以認知理論關於注意力分配對第二語言輸出影響假說為理論框架,調查三種任務條件和兩種寫作形式對漢語作為第二語言輸出在語言流利度、準確度、複雜度方面的影響。四十二名母語為英語的美國大學生參加了本項研究,分為對照組、提綱組和語言形式組,分別在兩個課時內完成一篇敘述文和一篇論說文的寫作任務。所得語料使用涵蓋語言流利度、準確度、複雜度等七項指標進行切割、統計、分析。統計結果表明,提綱組使用了較流利的語言,語言形式組使用了較複雜的語言;敘述文的準確度高於論說文,論說文的複雜度高於敘述文。也即是說, 不同任務條件和寫作形式對漢語二語學習寫作的質量與數量均有影響,儘管在具體方面影響程度不同。
By following the theoretical framework of human's limited processing capacity, this study examines how task conditions and writing modes influence the output of Chinese learners as a second language (L2)in the areas of fluency, complexity and accuracy. The participants were forty-two L2 Chinese learners at a North American university who were divided into three groups: control group, outline group, and sentence pattern group. The participants completed two writing tasks: narration and argumentation under one of the three task conditions. The output of the performance was measured in seven constructs in the areas of fluency, accuracy and complexity. The statistical results reveal that the outline group performed better in fluency while the sentence pattern group achieved higher scores in complexity. The participants wrote more accurately in the narrative writing but less sophisticatedly than in the argumentation writing. The results are discussed against previous studies using the information processing theory.
起訖頁 33-49
關鍵詞 任務條件寫作形式漢語二語流利度準確度複雜度Task conditionWring modeL2 Chinesefluencyaccuracycomplexity
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 201206 (4期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 以提升跨文化溝通能力為目標之寓言學習模式探究
該期刊-下一篇 語言教師在課堂活動中對語法及語用的處理:口語課課堂觀察研究




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