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On View of Nature that Differs in Thought of Hui Shi and Zhuangzi
作者 賴錫三
This paper begins with the 'view of nature,' to discuss two types of contrasting thought in the debate between Hui Shi and Zhuangzi: Hui Shi's thought is more similar to consideration of phenomenon, logical deduction, and Zhuangzi is more similar to intuition and poetic metaphor. The first deals with the opposition between the object and subject (I and it), while the latter deals with the blending of the object and subject (I and you). The first is a humancentered ideological practical and utilitarian stance (from the perspective of I), and the latter is an artistic stance that transcends humanity in the great utility of uselessness (from the perspective of Dao). The two are reflected in the different views on nature. Classified based on the Heideggerian concept, the former sees nature as an object and resource of energy, while the latter sees nature as the sacred homeland in which heaven, earth, people, and gods live. Hui Shi and Zhuangzi's different views on language, thinking, and nature also lead to two ethical attitudes toward oneself and toward the world. The former leads to a power ethics based on things (from the self), while the latter leads to a primitive ethics that loves things (death of self). This paper believed that Zhuangzi's love for all things as one and his primitive ethical view can engage in an artistic criticism and aesthetic recuperation of the overexpansion of modern technology, which has resulted in the differentiation between objects and the self.
起訖頁 129-176
關鍵詞 莊子惠施海德格技術藝術自然權力ZhuangziHui ShiHeideggertechniqueartnaturepower
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201112 (8:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 性別研究視野中的人文精神
該期刊-下一篇 程伊川、朱子「真知」說新詮──從康德道德哲學的觀點看




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