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Self-culture in the Electronic Age: The Perspective of Zhu Xi's Gewu Zhizhi
作者 唐格理
This article examines the conduct of self-learning and cultivation in the electronic age from the perspective of Zhu Xi's concept of 'Gewu Zhizhi'. On the surface, our computers, internet and electronic media certainly facilitate learning. They provide instant communication, access to data banks, and text manipulation. They even provide chat rooms and online games for people to express themselves freely and to explore other aspects of self. On a deeper level, however, people do not read and absorb information with the same degree of concentration and depth as before. Learning is becoming increasingly streamlined, sporadic andsuperficial. From Zhu Xi's perspective, the problem is even more serious. For him, self learning and cultivation should be conducted in light of real life. Even the student's relationship with the teacher itself involves role modeling, understanding upright human relationships and practicing appropriate conduct. In Zhu Xi's 'gewu zhizhi', one carefully observes phenomena (or reads texts), thinks about their significance and practical implications, and then incorporates this new knowledge into life practice. In this sense, '學者須是務實.' By this standard, nowadays people's learning through electronic media lacks the concentration, depth and practical implications of genuine learning. In conclusion, although our computers, internet and electronic media facilitate learning by providing instant communication, access to information, etc., Zhu Xi would argue—and most humanities scholars would agree—that people should use these gifts sparingly and carefully in support of their overall project of self learning and cultivation in the context of real life.
起訖頁 109-124
關鍵詞 電子時代朱熹格物致知六藝貫通網路泥巴多使用者區域聊天室electronic ageZhu XiGewu Zhizhisix artsReverencePatternsPerspicacitypenetrating comprehensionMUD multi-user domainChatroom
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 200706 (4:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 當東方遇上西方──1910年代巴黎的跨文化劇界
該期刊-下一篇 台湾法文化研究のあり方──日本法を手掛かりに




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