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Love’s Disembodiment: Evolution of Lovesickness in Early Modern Medical Texts
作者 雷碧琦
Throughout the Middle Ages, love was understood to involve both the body and the soul. Aristotle's faculty psychology, Hippocrates' humor theory, and Galen's clinical observations together established the foundation for a medical discussion of love. Their theories were developed and synthesized by Eastern medieval doctors, and then reintroduced to Europe in the eleventh century. Eros was a disease both mental and somatic, a perspective reflected in its etiology, symptoms, and treatments. Bridging body and mind, imagination became prominent in medieval medical and literary discourses on love. Led by Ficino, Renaissance Neoplatonists changed this dualistic outlook by denying the physical aspect of love. According to them, phantasms are more beautiful than the beloved's person, and purely spiritual union suffices. Their disembodiment of love eventually permeated early modern medicine. Many sixteenth- and seventeenth-century doctors subscribed to the theory by separating love from sex and prioritizing the imaginative over the corporeal. Ferrand's comprehensive treatise illustrates his profound knowledge in the subject, but also betrays the physicians' impotence in curing this disease of the mind, thus ironically surrendering their territory to philosophy, poetry, and religion.
起訖頁 145-178
關鍵詞 愛情症想像力內在感官新柏拉圖哲學醫學史lovesicknessimaginationinternal sensesNeoplatonismhistory of medicine
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200905 (70期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 光復初期臺大文學院的轉折與奠基莊長恭與傅斯年校長時期 (1948.06~1950.12)
該期刊-下一篇 宗教圖像爭議與路德教派文化政策――以紐倫堡接受宗教改革過程為中心的考察




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