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Impact of Manipulated Hegemony on the Instruction of Core Curriculum of Industrial Design Education
作者 鄭永熏
本研究主要的目的是在探討文化霸權運作對我國工業設計教育中核心課程教學,所產生影響之程度與範疇。就研究方法而言,本研究包含理論分析與實證研究兩大部份。首先,就理論分析部份,是採用文獻與理論分析法,其中主要研究是以葛蘭西的文化霸權學說為理論源流,加以後續學者、各學派相關研究著作,做為分析的重點。 其次,實證研究係以問卷調查研究法,研究者根據收集文獻分析所得資料,及訪問資深設計教育專家及對文化霸權主題有深入研究的學者專家觀點,編撰設計「學生對教師設計信念的感受與期望調查問卷」,並藉由專家效度與預試之實施,以茲考驗其信效度,作為問卷調查研究的工具,隨之,進行學生問卷調查,並依問卷特質與內涵擇定適當的統計方法進行分析,以獲致研究結果與發現。 歸納本研究重要發現:(1)意識形態與文化霸權各構面間存在著正相關;(2)學生對「不同教師背景變項」在工業設計教育核心課程教學的「文化霸權實際感受、期望情形與認知差距」存在顯著差異;(3)學生對「不同學校背景變項」在工業設計教育核心課程教學的「文化霸權實際感受、期望情形與認知差距」存在顯著差異;(4)「不同學生背景變項」對教師在工業設計教育核心課程教學的「文化霸權實際感受、期望情形與認知差距」存在顯著差異;(5)「不同背景變項之教師」對教師在工業設計教育核心課程教學「意識形態類型」的傾向,存在顯著差異;(6)學生意識形態實際感受對「教師文化霸權傾向」具有預測力;與(7)學生意識形態期望情形對「教師文化霸權傾向」具有預測力。
The purpose of this essay is to explore the potential influence of hegemony on the instruction of core curriculum of industrial design education in Taiwan. The research methods used include a literature study and a positive study. For the literature study, the textbooks, papers and journals related to the subject of hegemony were studied using analytic and concluding methods. By studying the literature, one can immediately gain the basic concept of the subject. With the knowledge of the basic concept, one can use the discipline of industrial design to explore the significance of the subject through the use of hermeneutic and critical method. Ultimately, one can explain the principle of the study and lead to a conclusion. Following the completion of the literature study; a positive study can be undertaken. A general survey of students with the questionnaire is conducted and a conclusion of the study is derived. In summary; our investigation of the potential influence of hegemony on the instruction of core curriculum based on the literature study and a positive study has lead to the following conclusion:(1)a positive relationship does exist between 「the ideological dimensions」and 「hegemony」; (2)「variation in teachers' background」will have a different impact on the 「feeling, expectation and cognition of students」; (3)「variation in schools' background」 will exhibit different influence on the 「feeling, expectation and cognition of students」; (4)「variation in students' background」 will have distinctive different impact on the 「feeling, expectation and cognition of students」; (5)「variation in teachers' background」also will exhibit different impact on the「types of ideology」; (6)「the students' feeling of ideology」 is capable of predicting 「the tendency of hegemony」, and (7)「the students' expectation of ideology」 can also predict 「the tendency of hegemony」.
起訖頁 21-37
關鍵詞 文化霸權工業設計教育核心課程教學hegemonyindustrial design educationand core curriculum & instruction
刊名 設計學報  
期數 200309 (8:2期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 以病人為中心的設計:洗腎機設計沿革為例之個案研究
該期刊-下一篇 影響我國技專校院學生就讀視覺傳達設計科系因素研究




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