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An analysis of Content Message and Public Communication on Taiwanese Health Information Websites
作者 楊意菁
The World Wide Web has become as important source for people looking for the health information. Many studies suggested that more public depends on Internet to obtain knowledge of science, medical and technology. Therefore, this study aims to realize the role of Internet communication in conveying the health information. A total of 195 Taiwanese health information web sites were content analyzed. The results show that the majority of web sites in the sample belong to medical organizations. Only a small number of web sites are governed by the individuals. The majority of websites deal with themes of 'health prevention', followed by the 'specific disease'. The sources of information content in websites are mainly quoted from doctors and the professional people. This finding indicates that 70% of websites have the website linking function, and the NGO websites are linked as the most popular one. Concerning the appeal to target publics, 'general public' is the major target audience for all websites. The government's health information websites have good performance not only on information content, but also on communication channels in the websites.
起訖頁 23-46
關鍵詞 健康傳播公眾溝通風險溝通健康資訊網站Health communicationPublic communicationRisk communicationHealth information websites
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201307 (25期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 網際網路時代的社會運動:以台灣環境運動組織為例
該期刊-下一篇 校園宣傳P2P反盜版之研究




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