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The social movements in the Internet age: Taiwan's environmental movement organizations as an example
作者 王維菁 (Wei-Ching Wang)馬綺韓陳釗偉
In the last decade, the Internet's potential for promoting social movements has come to much public and academic attention. More and more Taiwan's social movement organizations, including environmental protection organizations, have recognized this potential and have sought to use the Internet to help activate their movements. However, in fact, there is a gap between the expectations of these organizations, as well as those of academics, and the reality as to what benefits the Internet actually provides them. Therefore, this research clarifies both the abilities and the challenges or problems of using the Internet to facilitate social movements by examining the experience of Taiwan's eight environmental organizations. Further, through interviewing online movement experts, this study also seeks to provide some suggestions to improve these environmental movement organizations' online use for activating social movements.In the last decade, the Internet's potential for promoting social movements has come to much public and academic attention. More and more Taiwan's social movement organizations, including environmental protection organizations, have recognized this potential and have sought to use the Internet to help activate their movements. However, in fact, there is a gap between the expectations of these organizations, as well as those of academics, and the reality as to what benefits the Internet actually provides them. Therefore, this research clarifies both the abilities and the challenges or problems of using the Internet to facilitate social movements by examining the experience of Taiwan's eight environmental organizations. Further, through interviewing online movement experts, this study also seeks to provide some suggestions to improve these environmental movement organizations' online use for activating social movements.
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 社會運動網際網路環境運動環保團體社會動員社運參與Social movementThe internetEnvironmental movementEnvironmental movement organizationSocial mobilizationParticipation of social movements
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201307 (25期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 台灣健康資訊網站之內容訊息與公眾溝通分析




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