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The Customer Relationship Management in Taiwan's Local e-Governments
作者 游佳萍鍾岳秀
The growth of e-governments and their states of development are reflected in the convenience of web services. Recent research has found that custom relationship management (CRM) brings out better services for the public. The present research tries to answer the following questions: (1) at what developmental stages are the e-governments of each city and prefecture government in Taiwan? (2) How is the performance of e-government CRM of each city and prefecture government? (3) What is the correlation between developmental stages of e-government and their CRM? Through the method of content analysis, this research evaluates each e-government's stage of development by outlining the features of e-government webs of each city and prefecture government, and also articulates the state of CRM of each local e-government by analyzing the announcements of e-government webs. The conclusions of this research are as follows: (1) the stages of e-government development in Taiwan are most advanced in its northern local governments, e-governments of the southern region are the second, the central region e-governments rank the third, the surrounding islands rank the fourth, and the eastern region ranks the fifth. (2) The performance of CRM of the northern region's e-governments is the best. Those of the eastern region and the surrounding islands both rank the second. The CRM performances of the southern and the central regions' e-governments rank the third and the fourth respectively. (3) The performance of CRM does not necessarily correlate with higher e-government development. For example, the development of e-governments in the southern region ranks the second overall in the nation, but the performance of their CRM is worse than expected. Additionally, while the stages of development of the eastern region and surrounding islands' e-government are not impressive, the efficacy of their CRM ranks the second, only behind those of the northern e-governments. Finally, this research conducts the SWOT analyses for e-government of each city and prefecture government, and makes suggestions for their improvement.
起訖頁 343-372
關鍵詞 電子化政府顧客關係管理電子化政府發展階段e-GovernmentCustom relationship managementCRMStages of e-government development
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201001 (18期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 大學生在拍賣網站之消費習性與生活型態對其消費決策型態中介效果之探討:消費教育策略之應用
該期刊-下一篇 從「資訊家電」到「多媒體個人電腦」:個人電腦從職場走入居家的話語研究




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