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Examining the Mediating Effects of Consumption Habit in Online Auction and Life Styles on the Consumer Decision-Making Styles among College Students: An Application for Consumption Education Strategy
作者 胡蘭沁董秀珍
With the rapid expansion of commercial usage on Internet and the popularity of broadband telecommunication, the usage of online auction rises rapidly. It has changed the traditional ways of doing business transaction and price setting. Among others, college students become the main consumers online and are seen to develop a new consumption culture. This study employed 'consumption behavior in online auction 'and 'life style 'as mediator variables to explore how background variables affect consumers' decision-making styles. A questionnaire survey was conducted in this study and stratified random sampling method was used to collect data from 1,353 college students among 15 private and public universities. The statistical methods, such as factor analysis, multiple regressions and intervening effect analysis were used. The research found that two intervening variables adopted in the study accounted for great amount in explaining the model of consumer's decision-making styles. The results can be applied to the fields of consumption educational practice and academic research in the future.
起訖頁 307-342
關鍵詞 中介效果生活型態拍賣網站消費者決策型態Intervening effectLife styleOnline auctionConsumer decision making style
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201001 (18期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 TV Blogging: A Multiple Case Study of Blog Management in Taiwan
該期刊-下一篇 我國各縣市電子化政府實行顧客關係管理之研究




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