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TV Blogging: A Multiple Case Study of Blog Management in Taiwan
作者 林翠絹
本多重個案研究探討台灣電視台管理部落格之策略,透過訪問資訊與網路部經理及企宣人員,以及分析部落格內容與特色,結果發現台灣電視台定位部落格為附屬網路服務,其管理策略與內容仍未臻成熟。研究亦顯示電視部落格主要運用於節目與藝人宣傳,其次為強化閱聽人關係,最受歡迎的藝人部落格傳達明星心情故事並提供粉絲互動管道;至於宣傳與節目部落格須加強互動性及對話式筆觸(conversational human voice)。此外電視台可採取強制採用、鼓勵或競爭等策略招攬部落客及強化內容。本研究以”關係維繫架構(relational maintenance framework)”(Cho and Huh,2007)檢視四部落格,發現其”政策制定(assurance)”、”接近公司代表與決策過程(access)”、以及”內容更新(sharing tasks)”三方面仍須改進。
This multiple-case study aims at examining the strategies of weblog management of television stations in Taiwan. The researcher interviewed IT/web managers and publicists, and analyzed the contents and features of four TV weblogs. This study found the content and management strategies of Taiwan's TV blogs were in their infancy. There were positioned as subsidiary web services, these blogs were used mainly to publicize programs and artists, and partially to enhance customers' relationships. The study found that artist blogs that featured personal stories and interacted with fans were very popular and suggested that promotional and program blogs have to improve their interactivity and enhance their functions of conversational writing for future development. To recruit bloggers and enrich the contents, this study suggested the TV stations could adopt mediation strategies, like compulsory adoption, encouragement, or competition. By using Cho and Huh's ( 2007) relational maintenance framework to examine the TV blogs' features showed that these TV weblogs were insufficient in blog policy setting (assurance), accessibility to company representatives and decision making processes (access), and content updating (sharing tasks).
起訖頁 275-306
關鍵詞 電視部落格企業部落格組織部落格關係維繫架構部落格內容管理TV weblogCorporate blogOrgnizational blogRelational maintenance frameworkBlog content management
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201001 (18期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 超越召喚:線上遊戲的快感從Žižek的觀點解析線上遊戲的意識型態運作
該期刊-下一篇 大學生在拍賣網站之消費習性與生活型態對其消費決策型態中介效果之探討:消費教育策略之應用




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