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Beyond Interpellation: Enjoyment in Online Game From the Perspective of Žižek to Analyze the Ideology of Online Game
作者 林宇玲
Based on Žižek's work, this paper tries to develop a set of strategies online game Maplestory as an example. This paper includes three parts. In order to go beyond textual analysis, first of all, this paper introduces Žižek's interpretation about Lacan's complete graph of desire and his critique of traditional ideological studies. Secondly, based on the two levels of complete graph of desire, this paper develops a set of strategies of ideological analysis to examine the ideology of online games. Thirdly, this paper is engaged in auto-ethnographic reading Maplestory, a free-of-charge massively multiplayer online role playing game, in order to explain how the online games exercise their ideological effects in the unconscious aspect and how the gamers reproduce the beliefs of online games through the process of playing. Moreover, this paper also tries to affirm Žižek's idea that 'beyond interpellation' is a necessary complement to traditional ideological studies.
起訖頁 245-274
關鍵詞 召喚自傳式民俗誌快感意識型態齊澤克線上遊戲InterpellationAutoethographyEnjoymentJouissanceIdeologyŽižekOnline game
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201001 (18期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 批判網路研究:AoIR 10.0介紹
該期刊-下一篇 TV Blogging: A Multiple Case Study of Blog Management in Taiwan




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